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Cloud of Protection

“NO! Aaahh, stop!!”

I woke up screaming from a nightmare (again). Sigh. When was this going to STOP?!

But this time, I could still feel the Fear in the room – like something was watching me! Maybe several somethings … ((shudder))

Child afraid of the dark with no protection

I turned on all the lights. I walked around and prayed, trying to dispel the effects of the nightmare on my mind. This was back in the early days before I knew much about spiritual warfare or my authority in Christ.

I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep! But I still felt unsettled.

My mind told me, “There’s nothing to be afraid of. God is your protector. You can go back to bed.” But my heart said, “Yes, and what if those things come back as soon as I close my eyes. I hate nightmares!”

A few days before this experience, someone had mentioned the concept of using your imagination to help make God’s qualities more real to your mind and heart.

So I imagined a fluffy pink cloud surrounding me as I lay back down in my bed. This represented to me God’s Love and Protection over me as I slept. I started to relax and soon fell deeply asleep.

Woman sleeping in Cloud of Protection

The next morning I was pleasantly surprised that this simple exercise had helped me SO much! I began to use it whenever I felt unsettled before going to bed. And I always slept peacefully.

I recently shared this with one of my readers who was asking about nightmares as well as how to deal with demonic entities in the atmosphere that she could feel. It’s not easy to stand up to the enemy when you don’t feel safe. I know that feeling well – not feeling safe, or feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of the demonic entities and not knowing what to do. That used to be me every day. Can you relate?

Learning I could create a personal space of safety by trusting in God as I went to sleep really helped me. It gave me more confidence. Later I learned how to apply that idea at my job, which was often a very oppressive environment. I’ll post about that on another day.

So what do you think? Does using your imagination empower you? Does it help make God more real for you? Have you tried this technique before?

I used to know a lady who really wanted to make Jesus more real in her life. She struggled to stay focused during her prayer times. So she set up her kitchen table with tea cups for two. She put tea bags in both cups. As she poured the boiling water into the cups, she began talking to Jesus as though He was joining her for tea. She talked to Him like He was sitting right there in the chair next to her – and it became so real for her! She felt comforted by His presence and they talked until His tea got cold. Then she drank His tea and put everything away, confident that her “tea time” with Jesus was as real as any prayer time she had ever had.

Table set with tea for two

Walls of Fear and Lies Hurt You – They Block True Love 💗

A wall that protects you from getting hurt also prevents you from receiving the love you need to heal. Did you know that?

To you it feels safe – you don’t trust anyone so having a thick secure wall around your heart and emotions makes sense, right? You’ve been hurt before and you’re not going to let THAT happen again. I know – I’ve been there. That used to be me, but not anymore.

The internal walls we build are built by lies we believe and they are held together by the mortar of fear. We are afraid to let down our walls. We probably even paint over the wall with pride so that no one will know how afraid we are of being open and transparent with another person. So we look self-sufficient and “normal” on the outside as we hide from our internal pain and fear.

What’s the lie? It has to do with God’s love. Each person phrases it their own way but basically the message we believe is: “God is not good to me”. He cannot be trusted. His Love is not real. Or it’s not for me. Why did He let that terrible thing to happen to me? He’s not concerned with my pain. I can’t trust Him to heal my pain. I don’t trust God and other people to allow God to love me through them. He is not safe. I don’t really trust Him to do what’s best for me. God is not really for me. He just wants His way – He doesn’t care how it affects me. God’s not ________ (fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind for YOU).

To people on the outside, your wall feels like rejection. They try to reach out to you and you don’t even realize the ways you keep them out of your inner world. You don’t mention pertinent information about your life (that feels too vulnerable). You are very selective with what you share. You don’t want your words to be used against you. Unconsciously you miss the social cues for connection with others and you end up feeling more and more alone. But you are used to this – you’ve felt this way your entire life, not realizing love is within arm’s reach. It’s all around you but you are blinded to it in your fear of intimacy and being known.

It’s not easy to break out of that wall. I know – I’ve been there. I used to have those walls, ever since childhood. I had no idea they were preventing me from going deeper with God and with other people. They stood in the way of His purposes in my life so they had to come down. And I had to learn how to make Him my refuge instead of my cleverly devised walls. It’s a process, not an overnight thing. But it starts with a decision to let Him teach you another way to do life.

Are you willing? If so, tell Him right now.

“I am willing to let You in. I am willing to trust You. Please show me how. Please give me the grace to let go of the tight control I exert to keep people out, even people You sent me to love me. I am willing – help me cooperate and have courage. Thank you. Amen.”

Keep saying that prayer every day until you are able to live in His love without the wall. His love is the greatest protection you could ever ask for. I’m not kidding. At first, I was afraid to lower the wall because I was afraid of feeling like a turtle without it’s shell – vulnerable with no way to protect myself. But the more I learned how to let Him hold me in His love, the safer I began to feel. He is my strong tower. I can trust in Him. He’s got me – it’s so much better than my own self-made walls! SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYTHING I COULD DO TO PROTECT MY OWN HEART. 💗💗💗

Walls are meant to be a temporary solution, until you learn who you are – a Much-Loved Child of your heavenly Father. Then you don’t need them anymore. 🙂

What do you think? Are you aware of any walls that are “protecting” you inside? Please comment below and share your experience – that’s how we learn from each other. You are welcome here – even if you don’t agree with me! 🙂

Need Peace? Need Protection or Provision?

When we feel like an orphan or a victim of other people, we feel small and powerless. We have all felt that way. Some feel this way every day. For others, the feeling comes from time to time, especially when we are having a bad day.

When we feel this way, we are consumed by our Fears. We strive to be in Control (or we feel that others control us). And we focus on what we Lack.

Fear, Control and Lack are the three illusions that the enemy uses to keep us stuck in this mindset of being a victim or an orphan.

I use the terms victim and orphan interchangeably. Some people prefer the word victim as in “he has a victim mentality”. Some prefer the idea of “orphan” meaning that they do not have anyone stronger than them looking out for their interests (like an orphaned child).

When you see someone complaining about their life, but not doing anything to change their situation, you see a victim/orphan.

When you see someone too anxious to take a step toward a better life, a better relationship or a better job, you see a victim/orphan.

The opposite is someone who is an Overcomer (versus a victim). The opposite is a Much Loved Child, an Heir of God’s kingdom, who is no longer an orphan.

When you think about a good parent (which every orphan longs for), you think of someone who soothes a child’s fears, making them feel safe and taken care of. Someone who is a good provider and protector. Victims look for someone to rescue them from their fears, their oppressors and their lack of resources.

God is a perfect parent. In fact, God longs to be the father and mother that we have each needed … desperately needed.

He offers us Peace in exchange for our Fears.

He offers us Protection & safety so we don’t need to be in control or allow others to control us.

He offers us Provision in exchange for our Lack.

God is all we need. God adopts the orphan into the Family of God. God rescues the victim from those who oppress him. That’s the whole reason Jesus Christ came, lived, died and was resurrected – to convince us that God cares about us and is strong enough to take care of us. He is our Peace, Protector and Provider – even in the face of death, the grave could not hold Jesus down.

So when your life feels full of Fear, Control and Lack – turn to the Lord. Remind yourself that He is your Peace, Protector and Provider. He is all you need. I promise.

I know for someone this might just sound like “magical thinking”. I know – I have felt that way too. But there really is something “magical” that happens when you allow your heart to believe that God is good and that He is able and willing to take care of you. It literally shifts your perspective and your expectation. Expectation is another word for “faith”. Somehow when we shift our expectation, it literally opens doors that would not have opened otherwise. I’ve seen it happen many times. If you think like a victim, you expect to be victimized and guess what? It happens! But when you think like a Much Loved Child, you expect things to work out for your good and guess what? They do! 💗

Break Through Fear! Have More Peace!

When I was first exploring my awareness of the unseen realm, I was really scared! I could sense things, but I couldn’t see them with my eyes. Many of the things I sensed made me very afraid.

I really wrestled with a fear of the unseen realm for many years growing up. I knew it was there and I knew I could sense beings, movement, messages, etc. but at the same time I was very hesitant to explore or learn more.

Have you ever felt that way?

Not only was I afraid of the unseen realm, I was also afraid to talk to anyone about it! I was also afraid of what other people thought of me – I didn’t want to be “weird” for seeing things that other people couldn’t see, right? The fears kind of multiply and build on each other, don’t they?

By the time I was a young adult, I had so many fears on top of fears that it was paralyzing.

Later in life, I finally found the key to break through my fears but boy was it hard work before I found this key! I remember one night I woke up and I could sense darkness in my house – a tangible “something” or someone unseen was there. I lived alone out in the country at the time. It was very dark outside and no one was around (or at least, no one should be around my house in the middle of the night!). I turned on all the lights in the house, but I could still sense this “evil energy”. I was afraid and I had no idea what to do!

I started yelling and praying! I commanded that dark thing to leave – I yelled at it like you might yell at a big dog that was coming to bite you. I got mad! I stamped my foot and stared at the corner where I felt it and then I yelled at it. Then I whirled around to the other side of the room where I felt other “somethings” and did the same thing. It was terrifying but I was so mad that it gave me the energy to fight. I felt like I was chasing out a bunch of cockroaches that had been hidden – so creepy! Like that old commercial from Raid Ant & Roach spray – remember that? LOL

Eventually, I felt peace return to my house. I left the lights on and went back to bed. For years I slept with a night light on, just in case. I hated that experience and I never wanted to encounter creepy invisible things at night ever again!

Years later the Lord taught me an important lesson on Fear that would have really helped me that night.

What I wanted to share today was the Key that helped me break through my fears. Because today I don’t fear the things that I can sense in the middle of the night. In fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve sensed anything creepy in my house because now I’m not afraid. Most of my fears have completely disappeared and I am so happy and at peace!

Recently the Holy Spirit led me to create a short online course to share how the Lord taught me to overcome fear and anxiety (that Key). Here’s the link to the course (or click on the course image below).

Course Image

This course can really help you if you suffer from fear or anxiety. What I share in this course, I still use today! (because it REALLY works). You can preview the course by clicking the link above – to see if it’s something that you would be interested in.

This course is for:

  • People who are tired of living with anxiety every day.
  • People who are ready to make a change in order to have more Peace in their lives.
  • People who are open to new ways of looking at the world and themselves.
  • People who are spiritual and want a connection with something bigger than themselves.

The purpose of this course is to simply help you discover and eliminate the root source of the things that make you feel anxious or afraid. This course will teach you how to cultivate more peace in your daily life and how to more quickly recover from unexpected stressful situations.

  • You’ll learn how to remove the source of your anxiety and make it disappear.
  • You will be able to more quickly recover from sudden, unexpected stressful situations. What a relief!
  • You will be able to cultivate more peace in your daily life, both mentally and emotionally.
  • You will overcome specific fears, like the fear of snakes or public speaking, and help others do this too!

A lot of people have been feeling more fearful and anxious since the COVID Pandemic of 2020. It’s like the things we used to be able to depend on are not as dependable as we thought they were – this uncertainty is causing a lot of anxiety about many different areas of life.

It’s time to get FREE of anxiety and fear so we can enjoy the Goodness of God! 🙂

Related posts:

Fear is afraid of you – did you know that?

Overcoming Fear

Dealing with Fear

Dealing with the Desperate

Last week we talked about dealing with the Spirit of Fear. This week we are talking about dealing with fearful people – when people are really very afraid, afraid for their lives.

When people are afraid of death and they feel threatened that they might die, they become desperate. Desperation motivates people to do desperate things, usually ugly things – things you would not normally do. Things you would not expect – even dangerous things.

I asked the Lord what to do – how do you deal with people who feel this way?

Desperation can give people a sense of power to act boldly, however the fear driving it means that logic or reasoning doesn’t work. Their thinking is skewed. You can’t “talk them down” from their desperation – they are usually too far gone for that. Sometimes their fear triggers an inner child – meaning that they start thinking and reasoning like a three year old. Have you ever tried to reason with a scared three year old? It doesn’t work very well, especially if they are terrified.

What the Lord showed me was this: Fearful people use fear to control others. They may try to threaten you with bodily harm or public humiliation. They may try to threaten your life or your livelihood. They will try to find your weakness and exploit it – to try and get you to do what they want. Remember whenever they tried to get Superman, they often used Lois Lane as bait – if her life was in danger, they could manipulate him to come to that location in order to try and capture him. They knew he cared for her and would be afraid of something happening to her.

However when you show no fear, they have no control over you! When you stand up to them, it makes THEM fearful – it crumbles the illusion of power they thought they had. As a result, they often crumble and flee or give up their threats and simply leave you alone.

They also can be affected by the Peace and Love you carry – it disarms them. They are so desperate it makes them vulnerable, like children. They long for safety and security, which Peace and Love offer by their very existence. So sometimes they will crumble in the face of that Love and Peace. Or they will run away because it doesn’t make sense to them and they fear it. Either way – you are no longer being threatened by them.

I wanted to share this with you to prepare you. World events are starting to create desperation in a lot of people. If you are faced with a desperate person, don’t show fear. Don’t let them manipulate you. Offer Peace and Love in exchange for their threats. Be kind and patient. You will see them crumble and leave you alone. Maybe you can help them – maybe you can’t, but at least they will not be a threat to you any more.

What do you think? How do you deal with the desperate?

Fear is afraid of you – did you know that?

Several years ago while on vacation, the Lord taught me some things about Fear. It was late at night and God’s presence filled the room suddenly. I pulled out my notebook because I sensed the Lord was going to teach me something. I write down what He says because if I don’t, I can’t remember it clearly the next day – then I can’t share it with anyone.

I was pondering the power that Fear has over people, myself included. It seems to influence our daily lives. Not only do we have the emotion of fear internally, we also have the Spirit of Fear externally making things worse. The emotion of fear might hold you back from taking action, but when the Spirit of Fear adds his influence to it, you can be suddenly paralyzed with Fear. It’s awful!!

I was asking the Lord about this when His presence intensified – a sudden clarity of awareness came and my mind opened to revelation from Him. He showed me the Spirit of Fear – it looked kind of like a large mosquito with flimsy wings and long, dark grey spindly arms and legs. It was about the size of a goose.

Large Gray mosquito

As I considered that we have authority over Fear, I suddenly felt its fear. The Spirit of Fear is AFRAID of us!! I started laughing at the irony. I asked the Lord why it was afraid and He showed me that Fear is all it has. That’s why it’s called the Spirit of Fear. It doesn’t have power or great intelligence or even craftiness – it’s just pure fear. And it is afraid of being controlled by us – our authority can take control of it’s freedom by binding it and telling it to leave. That’s what it fears – not being able to do what it has been assigned to do. So whenever it sees you (or me), it throws itself on you and wraps you in a smothering hug with those long arms and legs. Suddenly, you feel paralyzed by Fear. But you’re not – it’s just an illusion!

This revelation gave me SO MUCH courage! Any time I feel fear, I laugh – imagining this creature that is afraid of me. Before it can take over my sense of reality with it’s smothering hug, I bind it and command it to leave immediately! And it works – every single time!

I live in an area where mosquitoes are very common – they are very fragile and easy to kill. They are annoying, but they are not dangerous or scary. So thinking of the Spirit of Fear as just a big mosquito really makes sense to me – it completely disarms its power in my mind. I can slap away a mosquito and crush it easily – Fear no longer intimidates me.

Scared mosquito

I thought this would encourage you today – Fear is actually afraid of you! Isn’t that cool? 🙂

Want some help overcoming your fears? Try my short online course! In it I share the KEY that helped me overcome my fears of the unseen realm (and all my other fears too). 🙂

Course Image

Overcoming Fear

One of the major blockages to learning how to use the gift of discernment is FEAR. We are raised to be afraid of what we don’t understand and especially what we can’t see or perceive with our natural senses. Through movies, television, books and other media, we are taught that these things are “creepy”.

I’m sure that’s part of the enemy’s marketing scheme – to make us think that the unseen realm is scary, unpredictable and generally dangerous. I’ve seen a lot of people with beautiful gifts in discernment “shut down” because religious leaders in their lives made them feel ashamed or inferior for knowing about the unseen realm. Anything they couldn’t easily explain or describe was considered some form of evil or witchcraft or “forbidden”. I am so sorry if this has ever happened to you.

So you might feel a little cautious about exploring this realm or the idea of experiencing the unseen realm. You might be

  • afraid of what you might see
  • afraid of what you might feel
  • afraid of what you might hear
  • afraid of being labeled a “witch”
  • afraid of the dark and what might jump out and “get you”
  • afraid of the unknown
  • afraid of the unseen realm
  • afraid of what you don’t understand
  • afraid of your own gifts and what opening that door might mean in the future
  • afraid of (insert your fear here)

I know I was VERY afraid of the unseen realm. It really hampered the development of my confidence in using my gifts. It took a LONG time before I realized fear didn’t have to be associated with the gift of discernment.


As part of learning how to overcome my fears,  I discovered this little exercise that really helped me. I did the Fear Finder exercise over and over – each time using a different fear (because I had many fears). I did this over a period of a year or so (as fears came up). Little by little my fears disappeared and I can honestly say that now, I’m not afraid of the unseen realm. I am confident and secure. Do I still occasionally get creeped out? Sure, but then I realize that it’s just a scare tactic and I snap out of it. I know what to do when I encounter fear and I know how to get rid of it easily. Maybe I’ll share that strategy in a future post. 🙂

Step: Fear Finder

Go to a place where you will not be interrupted. Take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly to help you relax and to quiet your mind.

Say these statements/questions out loud and then wait for an answer. An answer may come as a feeling, a thought, a picture in your mind, a word, a memory or just an inner knowing. You can do this alone or with a friend. If no answer comes to the first question, this may not be the right time for this step. Take a break and try again later.

Focus on a specific fear you have and ask out loud,

“Spirit of Truth, where did this fear come from?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“Who taught me this fear?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“I forgive _(name)_ for teaching me this fear. I release them from the harm they caused me. I no longer choose to partner with this fear. I let it go.”

Take deep cleansing breaths, release the negative emotions and let them go.

“Spirit of Truth, what can I have in exchange?” (pause and wait for an answer)

“I receive _______ in exchange for my fear of _____.”

(pause and open your heart to receive)

(Excerpt from Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life)

Try it out! I was amazed how many fears this removed from my mind and my heart – instantly! It wasn’t hard at all. Sometimes I got mad when I realized how I got the fear in the first place and I had to work through that in order to forgive and let it go. The book talks about dealing with forgiveness and how to do it when you don’t really want to forgive. But it’s totally worth it because now I’m FREE! I’m no longer afraid like I used to be. 🙂

After you do the exercise, would you mind coming back here and sharing your experience? I often hear stories of how this little exercise has helped people (I share it whenever anyone mentions fear and sometimes I do the process with friends I’m with). It really works!

Want some help overcoming your fears? Try my short online course! In it I share the Key that helped me overcome my fears of the unseen realm (and all my other fears too). Hint: It’s referred to in the post above. 🙂

Course Image

Spirit Guides – Andrea’s Transformation

When I first met Andrea*, my spirit jumped and I was excited to help her. I couldn’t explain it by anything I could see with my eyes, but my spirit “knew” she was ready for a great breakthrough. During our first session together, she mentioned that she had spirit guides and that she received messages from them. I listened compassionately, then gently said to her, “I want to warn you. It can be very dangerous to communicate with spirit guides. I have heard some really terrible stories of people who were harmed by them. They seem to be friendly and helpful at first, but later they become pushy, wanting more and more control, especially if you’ve invited them in.”

Spirit Guides - Do we need them?

Spirit Guides - helpful or harmful?

She looked a little alarmed and said, “Well, I’ve never invited them in.” I simply nodded. I didn’t say more because I knew it wasn’t time yet. I asked about her spiritual background. She told me she had been raised in a Christian family that was very strict about church attendance. She didn’t like the way she was taught to fear God with a sense of judgment and condemnation. When she left home, she decided to leave the church and explore other forms of spirituality. This led her to the New Age belief system and developing a connection with her spirit guides.

Fear of Supernatural Evil

As we worked together over several months, she often had experiences related to fear and anxiety, especially fear of supernatural evil. I told her that my primary protection against fear of supernatural evil was to connect with God. I explained that my concept of God was not fearful and condemning, but rather loving and just. I told her God was someone I could trust to take care of me and was much more powerful than any form of evil. I could tell she was interested, but still cautious.

We worked through many of her fears and other issues using the exercises in this book. Little by little I saw a transformation in her. Her anxiety reduced, she started to love and accept who she was and had less stress. I encouraged her to open her heart to God and ask for His help. I encouraged her that He loved her and cared about everything that concerned her. She was still hesitant, but open to the idea.

A few weeks later, I saw a HUGE change in her. She told me, “I don’t know why I waited so long to do this. This week I opened my heart to God completely. I feel so much peace and I don’t feel alone anymore!” She was beaming as she spoke. I was thrilled.

Know God Know Peace

From that point on, her path became clearer and clearer. Every time we met, she had stories of how God was helping her deal with one thing after another. Her peace and confidence were increasing. I suggested that she read Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson. She did and then she read the book that the author recommends after that one called, Steps to Freedom in Christ. This book includes very specific prayers to pray to be released from spiritual darkness. She prayed through every single one! By now the taste of freedom she had experienced made her long for more. She was eager for every drop she could get!

She realized that she needed to ask Jesus to forgive her for rejecting her Christian faith. She decided that she could disagree with the way she was taught, but still trust Him to guide her. She opened her heart to Jesus and began a relationship with Him. The next time we met, she told me she had experienced so many breakthroughs!

The supernatural realm was no longer as scary as it used to be

Here are some of them:

– the supernatural realm was no longer as scary as it used to be
– she stopped hearing from her spirit guides as much and their thoughts were less intrusive when she did hear them
– she felt validated for her spiritual discernment, that she’s “normal” and not weird
– her fear and anxiety substantially reduced in all areas of life
– she noticed her discernment was much more clear, instead of just feeling “something”, she had specific insight into what she was sensing
– her daughter was no longer scared at night (as she had been for years)
– she felt less needy and felt instead that she had something to offer others
– she found herself acting less self-centered
– people started spontaneously coming up to her and telling her their problems; she felt she was able to help them simply by listening with compassion
– her husband started showing an interest in spiritual things and wanted to go to church with her
– her relationship with her husband improved as she showed him respect
– she was sleeping better and had much fewer nightmares
– she had a strong sense of well-being and experienced so much peace that it was literally a physical sensation

Wow! So much change! It’s amazing what having a healthy, loving connection with God can do! Andrea’s life was changed completely. From then on, every time we met she had such peace. I remember when I first met her and how much anxiety she had. She is a completely different woman now! Even her children have thanked her for being their “rock” during a difficult time in their family.

It is such a pleasure to witness the spiritual transformation of another human being. I love to partner with God to help His children reconnect with His love.

A note for those who have spirit guides: One of the things Andrea discovered was that she didn’t need a different source of supernatural information other than God. As she drew closer to God and opened her heart to Him, she no longer needed her spirit guides. God provided direction, support and comfort to her – the things she used to get from her spirit guides. She noticed that sometimes her spirit guides said things to her that were disturbing or caused her a LOT of fear. This was not true with God – the things she heard from Him were always encouraging and reduced her fear or anxiety.

Do you have any examples of how your life changed as a result of developing a relationship with God or Jesus? Please feel free to share in the comments below.

*name changed to protect individual’s privacy

Dealing with Fear

Rating: Educational

One of the primary obstacles to experiencing the unseen realm is Fear. Many people sense things that they cannot see with their natural eyes, but they are afraid to explore any further.

I grew up terrified of seeing the devil. I don’t know where this fear came from, but it was firmly planted in my mind at a very young age (< 7 years old). I believed that if I allowed myself to perceive the unseen realm, the devil himself would appear to me. This fear caused me to avoid trying to understand this realm for many years. I was too afraid of what I might see or experience.

Fear can be a paralyzing emotion. You can literally be “scared to death” – or at least it seems that way. I don’t know if anyone has died from fear, but sometimes people pass out from it. When I was a child, I thought you could die from it.

Q37 Look for Proof

False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Very often our fears are based on something that is not entirely true. Our mind jumps to the conclusion that something will go wrong so we become anxious. Like my belief that if I used my spiritual senses, the devil would appear to me and I would die from fear. That’s not only not likely to happen, it’s also not true. The devil does not have that power over me – my life is in God’s hands.

One way to deal with fear is to look for proof. Is what you are afraid of really likely to happen to you? Can you prove it? Very often you cannot prove that your fear will happen – in fact, most of what we worry about NEVER happens.

Instead, turn the statement around and say the opposite of your fears. This really works. When you speak the TRUTH to your Fears, the anxiety vanishes. You can feel it drain from your body and your adrenalin reduces. Take a deep breath slowly and hold your breath while you count to 5. Do this 4-5 times. This increases the amount of oxygen in your system and your mind will begin to clear. When we get anxious, we tend to take shallow breaths which then makes our thinking a little foggy, which leads to more anxiety. I do this breathing exercise whenever I feel anxious or overwhelmed and it really helps.

At times, it feels like a battle – to speak the truth and chase away fear. But the more you practice it, the easier it gets. You train your brain to tell yourself the truth. Kind of like a parent soothing a scared child. Your fear thought comes up and starts to make you feel worried, then your truth thought breaks in and says, “Don’t worry. That’s not going to happen. Here’s the truth…” It really works – the more you practice it, the easier it gets.

I use this exercise sometimes when I have a deeply held fear that I need to break free from.

Once I overcame my fear of the unseen realm, I grew in discernment much faster. I gave myself permission to see, hear, sense, etc. all the stuff I was afraid of. Then guess what? I discovered that the unseen realm was not that scary after all.

Spirit of Fear

As a child I thought that anything to do with the devil would be scary, but I was wrong. If you are sensing demonic spirits you will not feel afraid unless the spirit of fear is there in the room. Did you know that? Once I figured that out, I learned to command the spirit of fear to leave whenever I felt it in my room. Bang! It was gone and I could be at peace. Seems like it would show up late at night when I was trying to go to sleep. The “monsters in the closet” or “monster under the bed” was really a childhood awareness of the spirit of fear. Parents, do your kids a favor and teach them this. I sure wish someone had told me when I was little.

Do you have a specific fear of the unseen realm? What did you do to overcome it? Please comment below so we can learn from each other. 🙂

Want some help overcoming your fears? Try my short online course! In it I share the KEY that helped me overcome my fears of the unseen realm (and all my other fears too). 🙂

Course Image

“Give Me back My stuff!” Jesus said

Jesus said, “Give Me back My stuff!” He looked annoyed.

I said, “Excuse me?” and took a step back.

“Give Me back My stuff!” He said again, with determination in His eyes.

I replied, “I don’t know what you mean, Lord.”

Jesus said, “Yes you do. Don’t mess around with me. Give Me back My stuff! I want it and I want it RIGHT NOW!”

“But Lord, everything I’ve got – You gave me,” I replied. I was starting to sweat.

He said, “Part of that is true, but you took some stuff that belongs to Me that I don’t want you to have. Give it back. NOW!”

At this point, I’m on my knees and I’m crying. I’m saying, “I don’t know what you mean, I don’t know what you mean.”

Jesus points at me and says, “That worry. That anger. That resentment. That bitterness. That fear. I died for it. I paid a price for it. It belongs to ME – it doesn’t belong to you. Give Me back My stuff!”

Suddenly I understood and I could see it. All those different things He died for, He took them to the cross and I’ve been resurrecting them. I was absolutely, utterly appalled. I started crying again and said, “I’m so sorry. You’re right, Lord. You’re right.”

Then He smiled at me, reached down and pulled me up. He kissed me on both cheeks and then He looked right into my eyes and said, “Have you any idea how utterly delighted I was to die for all those things? When I was on the cross, the joy that was set before me was that I KNEW I was robbing you of the ability to experience all that negativity. I was taking all those things away from you that you would NEVER have to experience them or encounter them ever again. I could give you a whole new life where those things would be absent and you could learn a different way of being. Do you have any idea how excited I was to be able to take all those things away from you? You’d never be fearful again, you’d never be anxious or worried or panicked. You’d never have to be angry or bitter or resentful. You’d never have to do any of that stuff. You could be FREE.”

He paused, then continued.

“Here you are, taking it all back like it belongs to you. It DOESN’T belong to you. I died for it. I paid a price for it. It’s Mine. You can’t have it because all the time you are taking hold of those things, you can’t see who you really are. When you focus on those things, there is a disconnect between you and heaven. I died so that you could stay connected. As long as you are holding onto that stuff, you can’t receive all that I want to give you.

“Give Me back that stuff. I’ve got things to give you. We can’t be messing around with this baby stuff anymore. We have things to do.”

We sat down and I wrote down all the stuff I had stolen back. Then I wrote down what was the opposite of that because that’s what I’m taking in exchange.

– Graham Cooke, paraphrased from this video:


So, are you ready to give to Jesus the stuff you took back from Him? 🙂

Or maybe, if this is your first time, you need to make a list of things to give Him and then turn them over. He paid for them with His death on the cross. Why are you holding on to it? Give Him back His stuff!!