Glowing in the Spirit

The other day when I woke up, I felt power. It was as though more of who I am in the spirit was revealed. It felt like I was glowing!

My senses were heightened and I could perceive much more in the unseen spiritual realm. I had an aura of tangible energy around my body that I could feel. I could feel authority in my inner being, near my solar plexus (gut). I don’t know why this happened exactly. But it felt great! 🙂

I share random experiences like this on this blog so that if you experience them, you know you are not alone and that you are not crazy. 🙂

This feeling was very similar to what I experienced about a month ago. Here’s what I wrote in my journal that night:

“Earlier tonight I was feeling it. My husband and I walked around The Falls shopping center after having dinner at a restaurant nearby. Wherever I went, people looked at me. It was different than usual. I would look at them and smile and it’s like they would light up. Normally people don’t make a lot of eye contact in our city. But everywhere I looked people would catch my eyes and I would smile and they would respond. I felt like they were picking up on whatever I was carrying. I don’t know how to describe it other than we brought Light and they liked it or were drawn to it.”

Here’s a picture of what I imagine it looked like that night:

A few weeks after this experience, I woke up in a lot of pain – my whole body was tense and felt “tight”. I asked the Lord what to do and sensed I should let my spirit “out” instead of holding it inside. So I did. (Kind of hard to explain what this means – it was intuitive.)

Immediately I could feel the tension dissipate. It was like my inner person was too big to be contained by my body. So instead of hiding and keeping it inside, I just gave myself permission to be released. I felt so much better! Immediately!

It felt like I had switched – instead of my spirit being inside my body, it’s like my body was inside my spirit. My body immediately felt healthier, stronger, and had less pain and tension. Wow! 😲

I don’t really understand what is happening with this new switch, do you? For months I have been feeling that it was time for the sons and daughters to be revealed – maybe this is part of that? Letting our spirits out so that HE who is within us can be experienced by those around us? What do you think?

So do these kinds of things happen to you? If so, please share in the comments. Tell me I’m not alone. 🙂

About Kingdom Walker

A woman seeking to understand the world around her - with grace and acceptance toward all. Discernment of the Supernatural Realm - Insight and experiences of the Unseen Realm from a Christian perspective. This blog:

Posted on August 4, 2023, in Pleasant, Spiritual realm and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Good day

    I loved reading about your experience of how God is manifesting Himself through you. What an awesome God we serve. I am at the stage where I am willing to let God use me and manifest Himself through me as well. I believe God is no respecter of person so I know that God too wants to use me in the same way and more ; He just wants me to totally depend on Him . Hence, I am committing myself today to totally surrendering to God and by doing this I know I will see marvelous changes in my life.

    • Thank you, Lamar. I agree with you – as you depend on God and surrender yourself to Him totally, He will definitely flow through you in the same way! I am glad reading about my experience encouraged you. God bless you. 💗

  2. Well, I believe it is a spiritual gift the Holy Spirit gave you. The Holy Spirit decides which gifts you receive. I have a spiritual gift of discernment (physically). I can feel things I can’t see (demons: pinching, choking, scratches, bruises, squeezing or angels cleansing, healing, peaceful), I can feel emotions from other people and I can discern the voice of Jesus in my mind. I’ve also felt this strong warmth on my hands when the Holy Spirit worked through me. Whenever I closed my eyes, my hands displayed this light to them. It took me over a year with this gift to slowly understand it. The Holy Spirit teaches you over time what your gifts are for. Whenever you’re experiencing the gift, you have to ask the Holy Spirit “what is this? Why is this happening.” Pause and focus, surrender your mind to Christ and pray the blood of Jesus over it to hear your answer. Sometimes the Holy Spirit tells you the answer through an idea in your mind. Other times, you can hear a voice that speaks to you in your mind on what it means. It may take a while though, sometimes it does for me. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy but trust with your gut on what the Holy Spirit is telling you. God revealed that my purpose is to lead others closer to Christ, whether it be family, friends or children. My gifts fit in with this purpose because I can feel their emotions, understand what demons are attached to certain people and help heal them with breakthrough through prayer. The best way to learn is to get stronger in your faith and Believe in God’s power. When I solely remained focused on Him, I started to get stronger in my spiritual sensitivity. That’s the only way you can find answers, by growing your relationship with Jesus.

  3. Ooohhh you are soooo not alone in this! Yes, I experience my light shining beyond my physical body. This is often captured in photos as wispy white trails and feathers of mist! I LOVE emanating God’s LOVE everywhere I go, and yes my body feels sound and healthy, more than before. Walking in spirit is a beautiful state of being as I have the mind of Christ 💖

What are your thoughts?