Why Can’t I See or Hear in the Spirit?

A few years ago I was asked to intercede for a meeting at church while the speaker was presenting – the speaker was a friend of mine and she felt she needed “extra prayer” for this meeting, especially for people’s hearts to be open to receive God’s love for inner healing. As I prayed with another intercessor in a small side room away from the meeting, we saw “in the spirit” the room full of people listening and they all had helmets on their heads. I asked the Lord about the helmets because it was clear that these helmets were preventing them from seeing or hearing what was being said. They were solid black motorcycle helmets. What He showed me was that it was unbelief in His goodness – and we needed to pray for these helmets to be removed. We did pray for that and it was amazing how He showed up to heal people! Their hearts opened to Him and His love was tangibly felt by many – we were so happy! 😍

Later I asked for more insight about these helmets and how they affected our lives. Here is what I received.

The Helmet of Unbelief prevents you from perceiving truth, especially the truth of the unseen spiritual realm. It prevents you from experiencing Truth – Truth is a Person (Jesus). You cannot hear Him, see Him, feel His touch, smell Him or taste His goodness. You cannot know Him intimately. Your senses are clouded; you feel dull and foggy. It is like wearing a motorcycle helmet with a solid black face screen – you can’t see anything and you can’t hear clearly (aka Deaf & Dumb spirit). I’ve experienced this, have you?

You can see a little bit sometimes, but not clearly. Being able to see and hear a little bit makes you think you can see & hear clearly because you don’t know any better. You think it’s “normal” – the way you see and hear is all you know. 

The Helmet of Unbelief is “orphan thinking” – it is the helmet of victimization. Stubbornness, Pride and Independence fueled by Fear and Self-Rejection keeps the Helmet of Unbelief on. We don’t want to walk by faith – we want to see FIRST and then choose to believe. It’s not until you choose to ACT to trust Him – then you can ask for grace to remove the Helmet of Unbelief. It’s an act of faith – you do it BEFORE you can see and you are rewarded with sight. 😃

Having an encounter with God gives you a glimpse of how good life can be WITHOUT the Helmet of Unbelief. You become dissatisfied – you don’t want to go back to your “normal” life. You don’t want to settle for less – now you want MORE.

Hearing someone’s testimony of God’s goodness in their life confronts the unbelief in us. If He did it for them – He could do it for me too! You may have experienced God’s goodness in a way that I have not yet experienced it. By sharing your story with me, it gives me faith.

What can we do? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of unbelief in our hearts and how to remove them. Ask Holy Spirit to show you what it looks like in YOUR life.

You can CHOOSE what to think. That’s free will. That’s why “repent” means to change the way you think. We are not in control of many things, but we CAN choose what we think, what we believe. Which helmet are you wearing – the Helmet of Salvation or the Helmet of Unbelief? 😊 The choice is yours!

If you have any insight to add to this, please feel free to comment below. I share these things on this blog so we can have a conversation and each learn from each other. We all see in part so when we each bring our “part”, it makes a fuller picture (like a jigsaw puzzle). Do you have something you’d like to add? I’d love to hear it! 😃

Here are two more specific ways to help you remove the Helmet of Unbelief:
How to Remove Blocks to Hearing God

What Lies Do You Believe Unconsciously?

About Kingdom Walker

A woman seeking to understand the world around her - with grace and acceptance toward all. Discernment of the Supernatural Realm - Insight and experiences of the Unseen Realm from a Christian perspective. This blog: https://supernaturaldiscernment.com/

Posted on August 20, 2022, in Educational, Sensing, Spiritual realm and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Mrs Debbie Housel 🇺🇲

    As a child moves into adulthood, it’s marked by the ability to see & hear in spirit. Intimacy with God governing my life is maturity. Knowing the Spirit of LOVE ❤️ is eternal LIFE 😊!

    Children into Adulthood
    by Mrs Debbie Housel 🇺🇲

    How often it is bumpy to send our children into adulthood..I believe that showing them how to manage life by pondering with YESHUAH 🎶 is what’s important. Not that “God will punish me if….” But more like “Lord, how do I move through this in LOVE?”

    The change from making our children’s decisions for them …to blessing them as they make their own decisions is a gradual process.

    Such as offering 2 or 3 choices at first and allowing them to choose. Ask them to ponder with God about it. This gets the ability to make decisions utilizing spiritual communication (intimacy with God) rolling along.

    Step forward by asking for the child to share the choices they see in a situation. “What do I see and how do I see it?” application.

    Step forward by asking how their spirit is being influenced or nudged. All along sharing how your spirit is being nudged as well.

    Gradually move from the training wheels of your influence from God (derived by your intimacy with God) to their influence from God (derived by their intimacy with God) governing their life. With a family celebration of “knowing GOD”, the responsibilities are publicly announced. This child has an ear to hear God. This child is walking in spirit and truth 👑 Making sound decisions is the mark of an adult.

    Galatians 6:17
    From now on let no one trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of Jesus Christ, (the master Yeshua.)

    • That’s beautiful, Debbie! Thank you for sharing. Yes, I have seen parents do this with their children and it’s so good! They really learn to trust God and trust their relationship with Him as the adults in their lives take them seriously. 🙂

  2. I enjoyed reading this. It gave me a new perception on faith. I often wonder why when we pray, at times our prayers are not answered. Surely it is our unbelief, because we often question if God heard us, or will God answer our prayers. But I have discovered meditation on His word helps. Because I need to hear Him daily.

    • Thank you, Victor! I’m glad it inspired you. You may want to sign up to receive notifications of new posts via email because I’ve got a post on how to remove the helmet of unbelief coming up this Friday! I am so glad you are meditating on His word – that’s a wonderful way to “unblock” your ears so you can hear Him more clearly. God bless you as you seek Him. He loves you so much!! 💕😊

  1. Pingback: How to Remove Blocks to Hearing God | Discernment of the Supernatural Realm

  2. Pingback: How to See the Unseen Realm | Discernment of the Supernatural Realm

  3. Pingback: Fiction Flexes Your Seeing Muscles | Discernment of the Supernatural Realm

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