Need a Mentor?

I’ve recently been contacted by a few readers of this blog asking, “Do you offer mentoring in spiritual things … like discernment and dealing with the unseen realm?”

The answer is, “Yes, I do. On a limited basis.”

I am available for discussions on the topics posted here on this blog, basically anything that pertains to the unseen realm. We can communicate by email.

I am a licensed minister and I have a degree in counseling so I’m well equipped to listen to your questions and help you find the answers you need – whether that’s hearing from God for yourself or whether that’s, “do you think I’m crazy because I had this weird experience?”

I love to help people develop a close, personal relationship with Jesus and His Father, God. I love to help people learn how to follow God’s Spirit and listen to what He says. For those with the gift of discernment, I also enjoy helping you figure out what to do with the information you get, how to apply it or share it with others, etc.

I also seem to be the person that everyone calls when something “weird” happens to them and they want to know what it means (or if it means they are crazy – most of the time they are not).

I don’t offer weekly “sessions” – I’m available as needed for consultations (i.e. to help you sort through an experience you had, questions you can’t find the answer to, etc.) If you’d like to contact me, please fill out the form below or send me an email at kingdomwalker2 (at) gmail (dot) com. Please mention your geographical location – I can often find someone in your area who can help you if you want specific prayer ministry or deliverance from oppression.

You can also ask a question by posting it at the bottom of the blog post you read that seems relevant and I try to answer those within 72 hours.