Category Archives: Scary

Overcoming Fear

One of the major blockages to learning how to use the gift of discernment is FEAR. We are raised to be afraid of what we don’t understand and especially what we can’t see or perceive with our natural senses. Through movies, television, books and other media, we are taught that these things are “creepy”.

I’m sure that’s part of the enemy’s marketing scheme – to make us think that the unseen realm is scary, unpredictable and generally dangerous. I’ve seen a lot of people with beautiful gifts in discernment “shut down” because religious leaders in their lives made them feel ashamed or inferior for knowing about the unseen realm. Anything they couldn’t easily explain or describe was considered some form of evil or witchcraft or “forbidden”. I am so sorry if this has ever happened to you.

So you might feel a little cautious about exploring this realm or the idea of experiencing the unseen realm. You might be

  • afraid of what you might see
  • afraid of what you might feel
  • afraid of what you might hear
  • afraid of being labeled a “witch”
  • afraid of the dark and what might jump out and “get you”
  • afraid of the unknown
  • afraid of the unseen realm
  • afraid of what you don’t understand
  • afraid of your own gifts and what opening that door might mean in the future
  • afraid of (insert your fear here)

I know I was VERY afraid of the unseen realm. It really hampered the development of my confidence in using my gifts. It took a LONG time before I realized fear didn’t have to be associated with the gift of discernment.


As part of learning how to overcome my fears,  I discovered this little exercise that really helped me. I did the Fear Finder exercise over and over – each time using a different fear (because I had many fears). I did this over a period of a year or so (as fears came up). Little by little my fears disappeared and I can honestly say that now, I’m not afraid of the unseen realm. I am confident and secure. Do I still occasionally get creeped out? Sure, but then I realize that it’s just a scare tactic and I snap out of it. I know what to do when I encounter fear and I know how to get rid of it easily. Maybe I’ll share that strategy in a future post. 🙂

Step: Fear Finder

Go to a place where you will not be interrupted. Take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly to help you relax and to quiet your mind.

Say these statements/questions out loud and then wait for an answer. An answer may come as a feeling, a thought, a picture in your mind, a word, a memory or just an inner knowing. You can do this alone or with a friend. If no answer comes to the first question, this may not be the right time for this step. Take a break and try again later.

Focus on a specific fear you have and ask out loud,

“Spirit of Truth, where did this fear come from?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“Who taught me this fear?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“I forgive _(name)_ for teaching me this fear. I release them from the harm they caused me. I no longer choose to partner with this fear. I let it go.”

Take deep cleansing breaths, release the negative emotions and let them go.

“Spirit of Truth, what can I have in exchange?” (pause and wait for an answer)

“I receive _______ in exchange for my fear of _____.”

(pause and open your heart to receive)

(Excerpt from Freedom through Forgiveness: The Power of Forgiveness Can Change Your Life)

Try it out! I was amazed how many fears this removed from my mind and my heart – instantly! It wasn’t hard at all. Sometimes I got mad when I realized how I got the fear in the first place and I had to work through that in order to forgive and let it go. The book talks about dealing with forgiveness and how to do it when you don’t really want to forgive. But it’s totally worth it because now I’m FREE! I’m no longer afraid like I used to be. 🙂

After you do the exercise, would you mind coming back here and sharing your experience? I often hear stories of how this little exercise has helped people (I share it whenever anyone mentions fear and sometimes I do the process with friends I’m with). It really works!

Want some help overcoming your fears? Try my short online course! In it I share the Key that helped me overcome my fears of the unseen realm (and all my other fears too). Hint: It’s referred to in the post above. 🙂

Course Image

Angel experience? Fear, bright lights and ??

Rating: Strange, inspirational

This has got to be one of the strangest experiences I have had with the unseen realm. It happened in Garden Valley, Texas. When I was in college, my boyfriend attended a school that was held at Last Days Ministries, started by Keith and Melody Green. This experience happened about 1989.

I had driven over from Louisiana to Texas to visit my boyfriend. There were girls’ dorms and boys’ dorms. It was during Spring break so most people were gone. There were only a few girls left in the dorms. My boyfriend had one of the girls show me to an empty room where I could stay for the night. There were 4 bunk beds in the room and a few dressers. The room looked crowded with the four bunk beds – each one had 3 beds (vertically). It was quite a sight. I could not imagine what it must have been like for those girls to share a room with 12 women. I was thankful I would be the only one there that night.

I got ready for bed and turned out the light. Boy, was it dark! Even when my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I couldn’t see the room or the other beds around mine. I had elected to stay in the middle bunk of the 3 vertical beds. It was easier to get in and out of – the top one was too high and the bottom one was almost on the floor.

I fell asleep and suddenly woke up very afraid. I lay perfectly still, straining my ears and eyes to figure out what was making me so afraid. I didn’t hear anything and I couldn’t see anything in the darkened room. For some reason, I was terrified. I did not have a nightmare. I woke up to a presence in the room that made me very scared.

I desperately wanted to leave the bedroom, but it was so dark and I was so frightened that I was afraid to leave the bed. I didn’t know what to do. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the fear. I thought maybe if I just laid there quietly, I would fall asleep or the fear would go away. It didn’t work. I opened my eyes again. The fear was with me as palpable as if someone was in the room ready to kill me. My anxiety was mounting. I really wanted to leave the room now, but it was so dark I was petrified to do so. I could not see the door to the room and I felt disoriented – I remembered that there was a lot of furniture in the room, but I couldn’t make out where it was and I didn’t want to try and run across the room and fall on something.

I closed my eyes and prayed, “Jesus, please help me!” I opened my eyes again and suddenly the room was filled with light! I stared at the room, looking around quickly. Then it went dark again. Still feeling deeply afraid, I thought, “I’ve got to go NOW!” I jumped out of the bed and dashed to the door. Once I got out in the hallway, I saw light coming from under a door nearby. I pushed gently on the door and discovered it was a large bathroom with several sinks and stalls. There was a woman there. She introduced herself as Ana. She took one look at me and asked if I was okay.

I told her I was afraid. That something made me uncomfortable in the room. She walked with me to the main gathering room where there were couches. We sat and talked. I told her what happened. I normally didn’t talk about these things back then because people didn’t understand when I did. But somehow I knew she would listen and not judge me or think I was crazy. When I asked what time it was, she said it was a little after midnight. So I’d only been asleep maybe an hour or so.

As we sat there talking, another woman came in the front door. She spoke to us briefly and then went to her room. I asked Ana if there was a reason my room was suddenly filled with light. When I saw the girl come in, I thought to myself, “Oh, maybe a car pulled up and dropped her off. That would explain the bright lights shining in my room.” Ana walked with me back to the room. I pointed out which way I had been laying in the bed and where the light was coming from. There was a window on that wall. I started to assume the natural explanation to my weird experience and said so to Ana.

She shook her head and said, “Come here.” She opened the blinds and had me look out the window. She said, “Look, your room is on the back of this building. The parking lot is in the front. No cars drive back here. Look for yourself.” I stepped closer to the window and looked around. Sure enough, there was a large empty field back there. No street lights, no place for a car to drive, nothing. It was like undeveloped land – just open empty space. There wasn’t even a dirt path for walking. [The next day I went outside during the daytime and confirmed this.]

I walked away and shook my head. Both Ana and I puzzled about it and could not come up with any natural way that bright lights could have shone into my room. The only explanation I have come up with is that when I asked Jesus for help, He sent a couple of angels to bring light to my darkness so I could escape my fear.

She and I prayed together. I went back to bed and slept until morning with no other weird experiences.

So, was it angels? I have always thought so. Part of what convinced me was the timing. Total blackness and fear in the room. I asked Jesus for help, opened my eyes and the room was filled with light. Then after I got a chance to look around and get my bearings, it went dark again. Completely dark. What are the odds of it happening that way by chance?

Many people experience light in the presence of angels. Usually a comforting light. Even the show, Touched by an Angel, used a light halo to cause angel Monica to glow whenever she revealed her true identity.

Have you ever experienced supernatural light when you really needed it? Feel free to share below! Tell me I’m not alone please. 🙂

Spiritual Cleansing: Taking a Spiritual Shower Each Day

Rating: Educational

Spiritual cleansing is very important. Occasionally, I see a book that references house cleansing, but rarely do I see any instruction on a personal level. Let me share what I mean. I’ll start with examples of house cleansing and then conclude with personal cleansing.

I had a friend call me when he moved into a new place. He was renting a room from a Christian couple and he wanted to have the house “cleansed”. I don’t recall the details, but I believe the couple had been experiencing some unusual disturbances in the place. When they mentioned this to him, he asked me to come over and help them pray. He knew I was very sensitive to the unseen realm and that perhaps I could assist them.

We prayed prayers of cleansing all over the house. We played worship music while we did this. We put oil on our hands and anointed each window and door. We commanded that anything evil that was there would leave. After this process, both my friend and the couple that were living there said they felt more peace in their house.

I had another friend call and ask for a similar “house cleansing”. She had lived in this particular apartment for some time, but had recently had some bad experiences upstairs in her bedroom. She felt an oppressive darkness and felt something was there, but couldn’t see anything. She asked my brother and I to come and help her pray. We did many of the same things – anointed the doors and windows with oil, played some worship music while we prayed over the house. We even brought worship banners and waved them in different places of the house to remove any “spiritual dust”. Honestly, I don’t know exactly what this does, but it does seem to shift the atmosphere in the house.

Finally, we went up to her room. My brother and I immediately sensed a specific place of evil energy in her room. We went to it. She was amazed because she had not mentioned where it was in the room. My brother sensed there was an open door or portal above the foot of her bed. The Holy Spirit gave him some other insight into why it was there. She prayed some specific things in reference to this and then “closed” that door. We checked on her a week or so later and she said nothing else had happened since we prayed. She was at peace.

My husband and I often pray a general prayer of cleansing over our house before we go to sleep at night. “Lord, would you please remove anything from our house that doesn’t belong here.”

We also pray for personal cleansing, “Lord, please wash us off from anything we might have picked up today.” Believe it or not, most times I actually feel different after this simple prayer. I’ve also made it habit of praying this whenever I suddenly feel weird – irritable for no reason, heaviness without a cause, etc. In fact, we have become so accustomed to the feeling of peace in our home that if either of us gets a little cranky, we pray this for each other. It seems to “clear the air” and keeps us from being influenced by the enemy’s contaminants.

People who have never done this often ask me all kinds of questions about it. I tell them I just do it intuitively – whatever “feels” right as I listen to the Holy Spirit and pray. Because I am so sensitive, I know whether a prayer is effective or not. One minute I feel the tension in the air and then after we pray, it is gone. I don’t know exactly how it works. I just do it, like a little child.

On a humorous note, one night when my husband was very sleepy, he was praying and he said this: “Lord, please wash us off and wash off the house. Wash the cars, the yard and the dog.” I burst out laughing. I said, “Did you just tell the Lord to wash the dog?” I couldn’t believe it. I guess it makes sense – he was trying to cover all the bases. It just sounded very funny to me to ask God to wash our dog. 🙂 However, I remembered that there was a time when Jesus sent a bunch of demons into a herd of pigs so I guess that means you can have a dog that needs to be washed from any evil contaminant.

Do you have any specific ways you like to “wash” in the spirit? Feel free to share your thoughts below.

Backlash and Bloodshed – Freaky!

Rating: Creepy

This memory keeps standing out in my mind so I guess I should share it next. It’s a little “out there” – it creeps me out whenever I think of it.

I was traveling for business. My brother happened to be in the same city, attending the wedding of an extended family member. He called me and said he was very worried about a certain sister’s safety. She had been at the event and then disappeared without telling anyone she was leaving. They later found out she had boarded a bus to go back to her home. This concerned him greatly because she had been telling him she was relieved to be away from home because she was in a very abusive relationship and the man had recently threatened to kill her. No one could understand why she suddenly left to return to him.

My brother is a man of prayer – when he is worried, his first defense is to intercede and ask God to intervene. He asked me to meet him to pray for this sister. We decided to go for a walk – there were too many people in the house and everyone was upset about the situation. We figured being outside would help us clear our heads and enable us to focus better in prayer.

As we walked, he did most of the praying. I just agreed. At one point, I “saw” this very, very large being above us. In comparison to its size, we looked like ants. I could see its legs like large columns going up and up. I sensed that it looked down at us, specifically at my brother, and it was annoyed at his prayers. The attitude conveyed was, “You think you have a right to pray for her safety? She’s mine!”

My brother interceded harder, asking God to save her life and protect her from the violence of the man she was going home to. He’s very bold when he prays. He prays with great authority and obviously he annoyed some very large being that was watching over this situation.

We finished praying. He walked me back to my car and I drove to my hotel. Even though we had closed out our time with prayers of protection and covering for ourselves, I had the uncanny feeling that this being was going to manifest in some way the next day at my job. I prayed about it several times that night, but I could not shake that feeling. I didn’t know what to expect. We had been praying against violence, bloodshed, the spirit of death, etc – anything that seemed related to the attack against this sister.

The next day at work, I was on the alert. I prayed on the way and I prayed when I arrived. I didn’t like knowing that somehow this spirit was going to show itself in my work day, but I was glad I had advance warning. I didn’t feel afraid – I just prayed for grace to know how to deal with it when it happened. For some reason, I didn’t feel I had the authority to block it from manifesting.

I was managing a small office of people. They needed an extra pair of hands to get a job done so the district manager had approved for a temporary labor office to send someone over. The man who arrived surprised me. He looked kind of like Santa Claus – he was older, overweight and had a white beard. The work assignment was physical labor. I explained this to him and asked if he felt he could do the work. I was a little concerned because he looked about ready for retirement, not a full 8 hours of physical labor in the sun of a very hot climate. He said he was fine and I sent him outside to be trained by one of our regular personnel.

About an hour and half later, he came walking into the office holding his left hand in his right hand and said, “Can someone help me please?” We all turned to see him – blood was dripping from his hands as he walked across the floor. I was shocked. Thankfully, the rest of the staff responded immediately. One of the office clerks had nurses training in her background and steered him toward the bathroom so she could see how bad the wound was and clean it up. Another staff member had training in blood borne illnesses and notified me that he knew how to clean up a blood spill correctly and proceeded to do so.

We had never had someone injured in this office before – at least not to my knowledge. We were all quite puzzled in how he could have hurt himself – and after only working for a little over an hour by himself. Thankfully, his wound was not serious. The office clerk got the bleeding stopped and bandaged him up from the first aid kit. I called the temporary labor office and our district manager for instructions on where to send him for treatment. I gave him the information and off he went.

As he left, I could not stop shaking my head. As soon as I ‘d seen the blood dripping on the floor, I’d known. This was a manifestation of that spirit of bloodshed and violence. I was very thankful it had been minor. That spirit seemed intent on intimidating me more than anything else – no real harm was done. The man would recover with a few minor stitches. I don’t know why this played out the way it did, but it made a definite impression on me.

Has anything this strange ever happened to you? What did you do? I’d love to hear stories from other people. I don’t often share these because most people have no frame of reference for something so odd.

Spiritual Senses – Which one is your strongest?

Rating: Educational

When I began to perceive the spiritual realm, I wasn’t really sure how I “knew” the things I knew. Part of me was convinced that when I sensed something that it was really there and part of me tried to rationalize away the feeling and just dismiss it. We have all probably experienced that.

I learned from Arthur Burk in his series, Nurturing the Spirit, that our soul tends to rationalize away the impressions we get in our spirit because they don’t necessarily make logical sense. For instance, when I was a child and I sensed that there was something scary lurking at the end of the hall or under my bed, my natural eyes could turn on the light and see that there’s nothing there in the visible realm. “See, you’re just making things up!” my mind would tell me. Or as most children are told by adults, “There’s no boogey-man under the bed or in the closet. See?” They open the closet and look under the bed just to convince you. But as soon as they leave, what do you believe if you can still “feel” them in the room? Does it mean you are crazy?

Anyway, during my studies of trying to figure out how this “sensing” the unseen realm stuff works, I came across a book. I can’t recall the title, but the concept has stayed with me. The author suggested that since we have 5 senses in our physical body, perhaps we have 5 senses in our spiritual body. Since that time, I have met people who have experienced the unseen realm through their spiritual senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell or taste. Then there’s that “sixth sense” where you just have an inner knowing, but you can’t exactly explain why. Either your senses are picking something up and your brain comes to a conclusion so quickly that you are not conscious of it or perhaps the Holy Spirit gives you the information through a word of knowledge. Somehow you just know.

Some people who “see” in the spirit say they can see the unseen realm with their natural eyes just like they would look at you or me. Blake Healy in his book, The Veil, describes his sight that way. For me, I “see” things in my mind while my natural eyes are looking at the location where I sense a presence. It’s like I’m seeing in my mind the exact same picture I see with my natural eyes except there is an added element there, such as an angel. I learned this (or was strengthened in it) through Gary Oates’ teaching called “Open My Eyes, Lord”. Both of these materials are listed on the Resources tab above. In Blake’s book, he says he encourages people to increase their perception through whatever way they normally use to “hear” from God. Is it through pictures in their mind or a feeling or hearing words in their thoughts? Whichever way God speaks to them is a sense they have learned to trust, so he says that’s a good place to start when learning to sense the unseen realm. His book has exercises to help you “practice”.

I don’t often hear things, but I have met people who do. Touch is the one I guess I relate to the most – I “feel” things often, everywhere I go. I am also very sensitive to the presence of the Lord and often “feel” His presence. Taste and smell are the most unusual ones – not too many people mention these. I have smelled anointing oil in a service that was thick with the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I have read of people who get a bad “taste” in their mouth when certain demonic spirits are nearby. I’ve never experienced that one, have you?

One other thing I realized recently – I think we sense things differently in our spirit versus in our soul. For instance, my soul can easily detect anything that is evil or unclean. And it usually freaks me out – my soul doesn’t know what to do with the information. However, my spirit does know what to do – so I have to remember to consciously choose to connect with my spirit and then use my authority to remove anything evil that’s bothering me (in my home or near me in a public place).

I also have very sensitive discernment when it comes to dealing with people. That’s a gift in my spirit. When I look in someone’s eyes, 9 times out of 10 I can see their soul. My gift is emotional healing so I see clearly their soul wounds. I can often also see their gifting or original design from the Father. Sometimes I can also discern if there are evil spirits oppressing the person. As you can imagine, I have to be very cautious not to reveal all this information on my face when I’m introduced to someone I’ve never met. I get it all pretty quickly. Being in a party full of people can sometimes be pretty overwhelming to my senses, receiving all this information at once.

So, how do you sense the unseen realm? As I shared on another post, what helped me was finding someone who sensed things using a different method than I did. We would go places and share what we were each aware of. By comparing notes, we grew exponentially both in confidence and in accuracy in being able to identify what we were experiencing. So if you naturally “see” in the unseen realm, go find someone who “feels” and vice versa. You’ll be glad you did.

Giant Bat Encounter – the Unseen Realm

Rating: Creepy

I’ve had my share of creepy experiences. This is one that stands out in my memory.

For some reason, I have always “known” that there is a rule in the unseen realm. Beings in that realm are not supposed to cross over into the visible realm and show themselves. At least not often. I don’t know why I think this is true – it’s just one of those “rules” that seems to be in my mind. In other words, angels cannot just show themselves to people anytime they want to. They have to be on assignment or have permission to become visible. The same goes with the dark forces – they are not allowed to manifest into the visible realm whenever they choose. If they do so, it is “going against the rules”. Somehow I am convinced of this, but I have no idea where I got this idea.

Anyway, that “rule” is why this experience made such a strong impression on me.

One night, a couple of ladies came to my house. One of them had asked my brother to pray for her. He has a powerful gift of prophetic insight that enables people to get free of things that bother them. During this season in our lives, we often worked together as a team. He ministered and I interceded. The second lady was there to translate since the lady requesting prayer did not speak much English.

As he was asking her questions about what she wanted prayer for, they began to discuss her family history. It came to light that her father had dedicated her to a diety at her birth. As she was explaining this to him, I began to get a very distinct impression that something was standing about 2-3 feet in front of the woman, facing her and staring at her intently. The longer they talked, the clearer the impression came until I could literally “see” this thing in my mind.

It looked like a Giant Bat standing with it’s wings folded around it. It was about 7 feet tall. What was most disturbing to me was that it was right next to me! I was thankful it was not looking at me, but I could feel the evil nature of its presence. I was getting more and more creeped out the longer they talked.

Giant Bat

The tension in the room was becoming palpable. I finally told my brother what I sensed. The other lady, the interpreter, was also very prophetically gifted and she confirmed what I was sensing. My brother asked the lady receiving prayer if she wanted to break her agreement with this diety that she had been dedicated to as a child. She said yes. He then led her in a prayer to break the covenant that was made on her behalf by her father.

As soon as she finished the prayer, the creature left. Thank God! I have never been so uncomfortable – and the thing was in MY house! Yuk!

They said a few more prayers and then they left. My brother and I walked them outside to their car. After they drove away, something flew toward my brother’s head. He ducked and it swooped near me and then immediately flew straight up into the branches of a tall palm tree that was in the center of my front yard.

I gasped when I realized what it was – a bat! I had NEVER seen a live bat in my neighborhood. In fact, in all the years I had lived in South Florida, I had never seen one. I have since heard that they are not uncommon, but for me it was a first.

What are the odds that I “see” a bat in my living room related to an evil curse put on this woman’s life and then after she breaks the covenant with it, a real bat flies right at my brother’s head just moments later. I immediately thought of the “rule” about the unseen realm staying invisible. Seeing this rule broken (or maybe bent?) made me a little more cautious. I paid a little more attention to the impressions I got. If there was something nearby that could affect me, I wanted to have advance warning. That bat swooping out of nowhere was really creepy!

So, does anyone know what the rules are concerning the unseen realm? When are they allowed to manifest in the visible realm? I’m going to add that to the questions page – it’s a good one!

Feeling “Frozen” – Unable to Move in the Middle of the Night

Rating: Strange

Have you ever awakened from sleep and you cannot move? It’s very unnerving – no matter what age you are when it happens. I have heard different terms used to describe this experience – a friend of mind calls it feeling “frozen”.

This has happened to me many, many times. You know you are awake. Sometimes you can look around the room – without moving your head. You are conscious and you are aware of what is happening around you. But you are completely unable to move a muscle.

Usually, this starts to make you afraid so you try even harder to move. You try calling out someone’s name for help. Nothing works. You are stuck.

I hate this feeling, don’t you?

I recall when I was first married that I described this situation to my husband. He had no idea what to do. I discovered that the only thing I could control when I was in this state was my breathing. So I told him that if my breathing became erratic in the night, that meant I needed him to “snap me out” of whatever was making me frozen. It worked! Every time I became aware that I was frozen, I would start breathing hard in and out and he would wake up. Then he would shake me until I could move. Wow, what a relief! I finally had help!

Finally, some years later, I discovered that waking up unable to move is actually a trick your mind is playing on you. It’s like some part of you is awake (your consciousness), but the part of your brain that controls your body is NOT awake. So you freak out. What I learned to do was take a deep breath to calm down and tell myself, “It’s time to wake up.” Or pray, “Lord, please wake me up.” Then I would open my eyes. I was now fully awake and could move normally and get up.

So, have you ever woken up at night or in the morning and you cannot move? What did you do to get free? Please feel free to share your experiences below.

Early Experiences with the Unseen Realm

Rating: Creepy (mostly), Pleasant (at the end)

I am not sure how to start this blog so I will begin at the beginning. I trust that as I recall my early experiences with the unseen realm, it might stir your heart to do the same. When did you first become aware that there was more to this world than your eyes could see?

When I was about 7-8 years old, we moved into a new house. My parents had the house built on an empty acre of land out in the country. After we moved in, I recall being afraid to walk to the end of the hall if the light was not on at the end. The fear was very tangible – I had never felt this way in our previous homes.

The specific fear that I had was that the devil would appear to me and scare me to death. Now where does a little child get that kind of specific fearful thought? I have never heard of this concept in books or movies, have you? To this day, it amazes me that the devil was so cruel as to put that idea into my mind. Obviously, he was trying to prevent me from wanting to use the gift of discernment in the future so he made me terrified of “seeing” in the spirit before I was even a Christian. That mean ol’ devil – I hate him, don’t you?

I often saw visions in my mind in specific places in our house. The headboard of my bed had two cutouts on either side – it was carved wood, I believe. I could literally “see” in my mind’s eye, two scary looking hands come out above my head – one on each side. The arms and hands were covered with long hair, like an animal, but the hands were somewhat human and had claws or long nails – kind of like you’d see on a werewolf, I guess.

There were times I was afraid to go to sleep because the presence of these things felt so real to me. I know I avoided walking down the hall if the light was not on. And I slept with the hall light on and my door open at night, because of fear. The worst thing is to wake up in the middle of the night, feel a scary presence in your room and there’s no light. Can you relate? To this day, I always have some light in the room where I sleep and a flashlight next to the bed. It is unsettling enough to feel these things at night, but when the room is pitch black with no light – that makes it so much worse.

Anyway, I do recall one positive experience I had. One night I woke up and saw a man standing at the foot of my bed with his arms crossed. Since the hall light was on behind him, I could not see his face. But I felt safe and comforted – this was not a scary presence. In my sleepy brain, I thought maybe it was my dad. I called out to him, “Daddy?” but the figure never moved or responded. I watched him for awhile and then fell back to sleep. I think it was an angel.

How about you? What early memories of the unseen realm do you have?