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I’ve Been Slimed! 🤢

black van

The other day I was in traffic and I pulled behind a large black van. We were both in the lane to turn left into a busy multi-lane highway. As I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I read the advertising on the van. It appeared to be for a man’s grooming salon and I wondered out loud, “Why do they have such a big van for a man’s salon? Do they offer mobile grooming?”

Suddenly I felt a wave of negative energy come towards me! I was shocked. My eyes were still on the van and I noticed at that exact moment the address on the van – it was from a part of town where witchcraft is common and celebrated. People especially use it to prosper in business.

woman covered in green slime
I’ve been slimed!

I’ve been slimed! I thought. It felt just like what is depicted in the movie Ghostbusters when a negative other worldly being rushes towards its victim. YUK! 🤢

Immediately I prayed out loud, “I come out of agreement with witchcraft. You do NOT have permission to mess with me. Go back! Now!” I felt the energy shift but it was still lingering. So I continued to tell it to leave me alone and it did!

By the time the light changed, it was gone. I kept my eye on that black van because now I knew what it carried in the spirit realm. Initially it pulled into the far left lane and then suddenly the van cut across all 3 lanes and turned right, into a shopping center. Thankfully no other cars were around and since I was keeping my distance from the van, it didn’t affect me. I just watched and shook my head as the driver made a “Miami right” as we say (turning right from the far left lane).

Whew! Thank goodness for very sensitive discernment. In the past, I have not been so aware and I’ve been affected by being randomly “slimed” – it messes with your mind and emotions and yet you don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. No fun at all.

I don’t know why it decided to attack me – maybe it didn’t like the tone of my question about the van. I was being a little skeptical, I guess. Maybe it sounded like I was mocking them? 🤷‍♀️

Are you aware of negative energy when it hits you?

As I’ve been walking with Jesus, I am definitely more aware of it. Especially when it specifically targets me. Sometimes I am aware of it just in the air – as a storm moves through the area or when I drive through different parts of town.

On a positive note, I had a good experience with spiritual energy today. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to a park near my house. I wasn’t sure why. So I asked if I should bring my journal or art supplies – sometimes I write or paint at the park. I sensed that I didn’t need to bring those today.

When I arrived, I felt drawn to walk through a specific section of the park. As I did, I began to feel God’s “good energy” being released from me to bless the ground and the surrounding area with His glory. I can’t really explain it other than to describe how it felt – like positive vibes leaking from my arms and legs as I walked. From an outsider’s perspective, it just looked like a woman walking in the park. But in the spiritual realm, it might have looked more like this.

woman with hands raised releasing good vibes in a field

That was fun! I like to go on random adventures with God. I never know what He has in mind.

Do you have any experience with positive or negative spiritual energy? If so, please comment below. I love to read other people’s experiences – that way we all learn from each other. Some people refer to the negative energy as demons or evil spirits. It definitely could be. I didn’t specifically see demons – it just felt like a wave of energy that was not good. And when I was walking in the park, it simply felt like “good energy”, but I didn’t know if it was love, joy, peace or what – to me it just felt like a blessing of God’s presence and goodness.

It can be hard to learn how to deal with energy because you can’t often see it – or at least, I can’t. Sometimes I can perceive it on other people but not usually visually. But God knows that and He knows what we need to learn to be able to respond to it well. I hope I’m learning more and more each day. And now I’m sharing it with you so you can learn from my experience.

Thanks for reading this far – God bless you! (sending lots of positive vibes your way 😊)

I ain't afraid of no ghost logo

Cloud of Protection

“NO! Aaahh, stop!!”

I woke up screaming from a nightmare (again). Sigh. When was this going to STOP?!

But this time, I could still feel the Fear in the room – like something was watching me! Maybe several somethings … ((shudder))

Child afraid of the dark with no protection

I turned on all the lights. I walked around and prayed, trying to dispel the effects of the nightmare on my mind. This was back in the early days before I knew much about spiritual warfare or my authority in Christ.

I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep! But I still felt unsettled.

My mind told me, “There’s nothing to be afraid of. God is your protector. You can go back to bed.” But my heart said, “Yes, and what if those things come back as soon as I close my eyes. I hate nightmares!”

A few days before this experience, someone had mentioned the concept of using your imagination to help make God’s qualities more real to your mind and heart.

So I imagined a fluffy pink cloud surrounding me as I lay back down in my bed. This represented to me God’s Love and Protection over me as I slept. I started to relax and soon fell deeply asleep.

Woman sleeping in Cloud of Protection

The next morning I was pleasantly surprised that this simple exercise had helped me SO much! I began to use it whenever I felt unsettled before going to bed. And I always slept peacefully.

I recently shared this with one of my readers who was asking about nightmares as well as how to deal with demonic entities in the atmosphere that she could feel. It’s not easy to stand up to the enemy when you don’t feel safe. I know that feeling well – not feeling safe, or feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of the demonic entities and not knowing what to do. That used to be me every day. Can you relate?

Learning I could create a personal space of safety by trusting in God as I went to sleep really helped me. It gave me more confidence. Later I learned how to apply that idea at my job, which was often a very oppressive environment. I’ll post about that on another day.

So what do you think? Does using your imagination empower you? Does it help make God more real for you? Have you tried this technique before?

I used to know a lady who really wanted to make Jesus more real in her life. She struggled to stay focused during her prayer times. So she set up her kitchen table with tea cups for two. She put tea bags in both cups. As she poured the boiling water into the cups, she began talking to Jesus as though He was joining her for tea. She talked to Him like He was sitting right there in the chair next to her – and it became so real for her! She felt comforted by His presence and they talked until His tea got cold. Then she drank His tea and put everything away, confident that her “tea time” with Jesus was as real as any prayer time she had ever had.

Table set with tea for two

Fiction Flexes Your Seeing Muscles

Many people find this blog because they want to grow in being able to “see” the unseen realm. Can you see what is unseen? Yes, you can. Sometimes you see with the eyes of your heart and sometimes you see with your natural eyes. Here’s a couple of articles on this topic: Why Can’t I See or Hear in the Spirit? and How to See the Unseen Realm.

Today I want to explore some other ways you can grow in the ability to see.

Something about reading fiction enhances my ability to perceive angels and the unseen realm more clearly.  Perhaps using my imagination as I read helps me tap into that realm more easily. Try it! Read a good fiction book like The Starlore Legacy series by Chuck Black – it’s like the Bible told in a Star Wars universe. Lots of fun! After reading for an hour or so, close the book and look around the room. Or walk through your house. I bet you’ll notice more things from the spiritual realm. I certainly do! 🙂

Eyes to See the Unseen

I believe the same part of our being that can imagine is the part that helps us perceive things that are invisible to our eyes. Think about when you get a prophetic insight – you don’t SEE it with your natural eyes, do you? You see it with the eyes of your heart! (aka your imagination) Paul said he prayed that the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:18). I don’t think that this means we are “making it up” like when people use their imagination to create a novel. But it is a part of our being that we use to “see” things, to imagine things that our natural eyes cannot perceive. So when you read a good fiction book, it is flexing those “seeing” muscles! Isn’t that cool? 😲

Different Types of Spiritual Senses

I’ve noticed that many people that can see clearly in the unseen realm cannot perceive clearly. And those that hear can’t see and those that perceive don’t often hear or see. We need each other – none of us have all the gifts. This way we all have a piece to share. If we could see, hear and perceive everything all on our own, why would we need anyone else? 😉

I would much rather be able to perceive than to see. But that’s just me. By perceiving I mean sensing or feeling or “knowing” beyond knowledge.

I’ve also noticed that fasting sleep makes me more perceptive to the unseen realm, though I’ve never done it intentionally. It makes me overly sensitive to everything (which can be overwhelming) so I don’t do it on purpose. But if for some reason I get less than 5-6 hours of sleep,  my senses are very sharp. If this happens for more than 1 night, I’m incredibly sensitive but it takes a big toll on me and I need a day or more to recover. 

In college I lived on a supernatural grace of 5 hours a night during the week and then slept copious amounts on the weekend. I was young and on fire and my friends and I sought hard after God. It was exhilarating!! 

So what enables you to perceive the unseen realm more clearly? And no, I don’t mean psychotropic substances. I personally don’t trust anything that alters my ability to perceive the natural realm to begin with.

By the way, I  ALWAYS notice a big shift in my awareness after midnight until the sun comes up. Everything is clearer and it’s much easier to get discernment or prophetic insight. Have you noticed this too?

Let me know in the comments section  – let’s learn from each other! 🙂

How to Remove Blocks to Hearing God

A lot of people ask me how they can see or hear from God more clearly. It’s a common desire among those who are earnestly seeking God. Many people find this blog by searching for “how to see in the spirit”. Seeing and hearing from God are closely related – so after the last post, “Why Can’t I See or Hear in the Spirit?“, I thought this might be helpful to explore.

Many of us believe things about God that are simply not true. We don’t even realize it! If we did, we would stop believing those things, right? We often believe things unconsciously that are deeply affecting our ability to hear from God and see in the Spirit.

So how do we find these things?

Several years ago the Lord gave me a little heart exercise called the Lie Detector. It really helps you work with Holy Spirit to uncover and remove anything you believe that’s not true (which we call lies).

Lie Detector: God Concept

Go to a place where you will not be interrupted. Turn off any devices that might distract you. Take a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly to help you relax and to quiet your mind.

Say these statements/questions out loud and then wait for an answer. An answer may come as a feeling, a thought, a picture in your mind, a word, a memory or just an inner knowing. You can do this alone or with a friend. If no answer comes to the first question – this may not be the right time for this process.

 “Spirit of Truth, is there a lie I believe about God?” (pause and wait for an answer)

“I release myself from the lie that says  _(the lie)_. I give it up and let it go.”

“Who taught me that lie?” (pause and wait for an answer)

“I forgive _(name)_ for teaching me that lie.”

“What truth do I need to hear?”  (pause and wait for an answer)

“I receive the truth that _(the truth)_.

Note: For those who perceive God as a Trinity, it may be helpful to break down this step and ask, “Spirit of Truth, is there a lie I believe about the Father?”. Then after completing the step, ask the question again separately for Jesus and then for the Holy Spirit. People have reported some amazing experiences when they have tried this. 😍


As you do this exercise, you may discover that the answer to “Who taught me that lie?” is YOU! We often come to faulty conclusions about God from our life experiences. For instance, if someone close to you passed away when you were a child, a well meaning adult might have said, “God needed your grandma so He took her to heaven.” If you really miss your grandma, then you might get angry at God for “taking her” away from you. It makes God a bad guy in your little hurting heart. See how that works?

When bad things happen in nature (i.e. hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc.), what do we call them? Acts of God. That’s another way we can get the idea that God is a bad guy – kind of big and scary, right?

So there are lots of ways we might have unconsciously decided that God is not good or trustworthy. Even if you had a religious upbringing, most people don’t have a solid, heart-felt knowledge of God’s goodness.

If you don’t really believe God is good and that He loves you unconditionally, then guess what? You don’t really WANT to hear from Him. You might feel kind of “cautious” because you’re not sure you are going to like what He says. Part of you might say, “Yes, I want to hear from God and see in the Spirit!” but another part, deep inside your heart might think, “But what if I don’t like it? Or I can’t handle it? What if God is kind of scary?”

This Lie Detector exercise can help get to the deeper part of our hearts. I’ve done this exercise over and over and it has helped me SO much! In fact, I encourage you to write down the answer you get to the last question, “What truth do I need to hear?” Put it on a post-it note where you can look at it each day. Meditate on it. Say it out loud to yourself. Really let it soak in – it might take awhile for it to become your new default way of perceiving God (especially if that lie was in there a long time). The more you embrace the truth, the easier it will be to see in the Spirit and hear God more clearly. I promise.

Removing Lies Opens the Door in Your Heart to Trust God

I hope this has been helpful to you today. Feel free to comment below what experience you have when you try this exercise. I’ve used this exercise with many people, even people who tell me, “I can’t hear from God.” and they always get an answer to the questions. It works!

Why Can’t I See or Hear in the Spirit?

A few years ago I was asked to intercede for a meeting at church while the speaker was presenting – the speaker was a friend of mine and she felt she needed “extra prayer” for this meeting, especially for people’s hearts to be open to receive God’s love for inner healing. As I prayed with another intercessor in a small side room away from the meeting, we saw “in the spirit” the room full of people listening and they all had helmets on their heads. I asked the Lord about the helmets because it was clear that these helmets were preventing them from seeing or hearing what was being said. They were solid black motorcycle helmets. What He showed me was that it was unbelief in His goodness – and we needed to pray for these helmets to be removed. We did pray for that and it was amazing how He showed up to heal people! Their hearts opened to Him and His love was tangibly felt by many – we were so happy! 😍

Later I asked for more insight about these helmets and how they affected our lives. Here is what I received.

The Helmet of Unbelief prevents you from perceiving truth, especially the truth of the unseen spiritual realm. It prevents you from experiencing Truth – Truth is a Person (Jesus). You cannot hear Him, see Him, feel His touch, smell Him or taste His goodness. You cannot know Him intimately. Your senses are clouded; you feel dull and foggy. It is like wearing a motorcycle helmet with a solid black face screen – you can’t see anything and you can’t hear clearly (aka Deaf & Dumb spirit). I’ve experienced this, have you?

You can see a little bit sometimes, but not clearly. Being able to see and hear a little bit makes you think you can see & hear clearly because you don’t know any better. You think it’s “normal” – the way you see and hear is all you know. 

The Helmet of Unbelief is “orphan thinking” – it is the helmet of victimization. Stubbornness, Pride and Independence fueled by Fear and Self-Rejection keeps the Helmet of Unbelief on. We don’t want to walk by faith – we want to see FIRST and then choose to believe. It’s not until you choose to ACT to trust Him – then you can ask for grace to remove the Helmet of Unbelief. It’s an act of faith – you do it BEFORE you can see and you are rewarded with sight. 😃

Having an encounter with God gives you a glimpse of how good life can be WITHOUT the Helmet of Unbelief. You become dissatisfied – you don’t want to go back to your “normal” life. You don’t want to settle for less – now you want MORE.

Hearing someone’s testimony of God’s goodness in their life confronts the unbelief in us. If He did it for them – He could do it for me too! You may have experienced God’s goodness in a way that I have not yet experienced it. By sharing your story with me, it gives me faith.

What can we do? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of unbelief in our hearts and how to remove them. Ask Holy Spirit to show you what it looks like in YOUR life.

You can CHOOSE what to think. That’s free will. That’s why “repent” means to change the way you think. We are not in control of many things, but we CAN choose what we think, what we believe. Which helmet are you wearing – the Helmet of Salvation or the Helmet of Unbelief? 😊 The choice is yours!

If you have any insight to add to this, please feel free to comment below. I share these things on this blog so we can have a conversation and each learn from each other. We all see in part so when we each bring our “part”, it makes a fuller picture (like a jigsaw puzzle). Do you have something you’d like to add? I’d love to hear it! 😃

Here are two more specific ways to help you remove the Helmet of Unbelief:
How to Remove Blocks to Hearing God

What Lies Do You Believe Unconsciously?

Fear is afraid of you – did you know that?

Several years ago while on vacation, the Lord taught me some things about Fear. It was late at night and God’s presence filled the room suddenly. I pulled out my notebook because I sensed the Lord was going to teach me something. I write down what He says because if I don’t, I can’t remember it clearly the next day – then I can’t share it with anyone.

I was pondering the power that Fear has over people, myself included. It seems to influence our daily lives. Not only do we have the emotion of fear internally, we also have the Spirit of Fear externally making things worse. The emotion of fear might hold you back from taking action, but when the Spirit of Fear adds his influence to it, you can be suddenly paralyzed with Fear. It’s awful!!

I was asking the Lord about this when His presence intensified – a sudden clarity of awareness came and my mind opened to revelation from Him. He showed me the Spirit of Fear – it looked kind of like a large mosquito with flimsy wings and long, dark grey spindly arms and legs. It was about the size of a goose.

Large Gray mosquito

As I considered that we have authority over Fear, I suddenly felt its fear. The Spirit of Fear is AFRAID of us!! I started laughing at the irony. I asked the Lord why it was afraid and He showed me that Fear is all it has. That’s why it’s called the Spirit of Fear. It doesn’t have power or great intelligence or even craftiness – it’s just pure fear. And it is afraid of being controlled by us – our authority can take control of it’s freedom by binding it and telling it to leave. That’s what it fears – not being able to do what it has been assigned to do. So whenever it sees you (or me), it throws itself on you and wraps you in a smothering hug with those long arms and legs. Suddenly, you feel paralyzed by Fear. But you’re not – it’s just an illusion!

This revelation gave me SO MUCH courage! Any time I feel fear, I laugh – imagining this creature that is afraid of me. Before it can take over my sense of reality with it’s smothering hug, I bind it and command it to leave immediately! And it works – every single time!

I live in an area where mosquitoes are very common – they are very fragile and easy to kill. They are annoying, but they are not dangerous or scary. So thinking of the Spirit of Fear as just a big mosquito really makes sense to me – it completely disarms its power in my mind. I can slap away a mosquito and crush it easily – Fear no longer intimidates me.

Scared mosquito

I thought this would encourage you today – Fear is actually afraid of you! Isn’t that cool? 🙂

Want some help overcoming your fears? Try my short online course! In it I share the KEY that helped me overcome my fears of the unseen realm (and all my other fears too). 🙂

Course Image

You’re not alone – join us 😃

I have discovered a wonderful ministry that is helping people get READY for what is coming. I checked them out thoroughly – they are not flaky, they are all about following Jesus. But they are willing to step outside the box and see what the Lord is doing – I love that! I watched this video I found on YouTube and it really inspired me – I’m sharing it here in case it speaks to anyone else. I joined the training they are offering – it’s only $19.95/month (for 5-6 months). The class will stretch you! And bless you! And you’ll find other people like you there – the people who can see and feel and sense the unseen realm. You can join an online small group while you take the class so you can discuss what you’re learning and best of all, seek the Lord together to learn directly from HIM! Isn’t that cool? I know I’ve been looking for years for people like this. So, if this interests you, watch this video – it really inspired me! 🙂
YouTube link:

If you’re interested in the class, here’s the link to that:

One of the things I REALLY appreciate about this ministry is that they hold live gatherings of people from all over the world every Sunday and everyone is invited to participate! YOU get to share what the Lord is showing you! It’s on their YouTube channel and Facebook page – it’s Sundays at 10:30am MST, 12:30pm EST. You can even join by Zoom, if you prefer.

I just want you to know: You’re not alone! You’re not crazy! Join us 😃

Book Review: Remnants by Lisa Bergren

Remnants book cover

I just finished reading a 3-book supernatural fiction series by Lisa Bergren called Remnants. It is VERY good. I recommend it.

Book description: Our coming was foretold by the elders— Those who would change the future, just as the planet teetered on the edge of darkness. Born on the prophesied day with birthmarks in the form of a crescent moon, they knew us immediately. Swaddled and screaming, we were spirited away by those who hid us, trained us, and kept us safe until our time came. They poured their lives into us. Some died to save us.

And now we, the Remnants, protected by Knights of the Last Order, have gathered. Called until we breathe our last … to save the world. Amazon link

Although it is written for a young adult audience, the story, characters and plot line are much better than a lot of YA fiction I’ve seen. This has depth and some really good illustrations about the supernatural world that are worth reading.

I’ve been looking for this kind of fiction for the last twenty years – ever since I read Frank Peretti’s, This Present Darkness about angels and demons battling it out over the human affairs of life.

Remnants gives you an insider’s view of what it is like to discover you have supernatural gifts – particularly some of the gifts we talk about on this blog. Like being able to sense spirits – good ones or bad ones. Being able to sense another person’s soul or emotions. It also has a LOT of battle scenes between good and evil, using both natural elements like sword fighting as well as supernatural elements like prayer.

The story develops and unfolds over three books and it’s definitely worth reading. In fact, I appreciated that this was not a “preachy” Christian book. It dealt with some hard subjects like family conflict, reconciliation, betrayal, forgiveness, guarding your thoughts against negativity and avoiding sexual immorality. The main characters grew in their faith and in their gifting as they encountered and overcame many different kinds of obstacles to their mission. They also learn the power of being part of the community of faith and learning to follow the advice of their elders. It never mentions Jesus but instead refers to God as “Maker”. I think the author probably used that as a means to reach an audience that may or may not be Christians. I think it is very effective. The main theme is trusting God no matter what the circumstances look like – a good reminder to us all!

The author was asked about the spiritual aspect of the book – she replied:

Lisa: I believe there is an unseen realm that we humans spend little time considering, but should. Once you begin walking the road of faith, it’s like you put on glasses that allow you to see more and more of it. But I don’t get hung up on angels and demons, because my soul has already been won, and there’s enough to deal with here in our physical world. But are there battles? Yes. Every day, every hour. Given that the Remnants are all about fighting off the dark and leading others toward the light, angels and demons will logically take a bit more stage time with each book. But our human characters will remain the focus.

I could relate to the characters and their struggles – it made me stop and think a few times. It’s rare when a fiction book is that deep and carries such truth. Kudos to the author, Lisa Bergren! 🙂

(You can read more about the spiritual aspect of this series in the author’s online interview here, if you’re interested.)

Emergency Maneuvers in the Spirit

The other day around 5am, I woke up coughing. I realized I could hardly breathe – my chest was very “tight” and my nose was stuffed. I was surprised because I don’t have asthma or allergies and I didn’t have a cold. I had been deeply asleep when I suddenly sat up and started coughing. As I was struggling to clear my airways, I became aware that I was not alone in the room.

Freaky, right?

I could sense a presence next to me – as though someone (or something) was sitting on the bed next to me. I was focused on trying to clear my lungs but I kept glancing over, feeling very uncomfortable. I wasn’t afraid – just disturbed, like you would be if you woke up and a stranger was sitting on your bed.

I started praying and asking the Lord what was going on. The only impression I got was the Spirit of Death. But it was a faint impression – like an outline of a shadow. I tried to see if any legal ground for the Spirit of Death came to mind. Nothing.

I kept praying, trying to “clear the air”: First, I came out of agreement with the Spirit of Death. Then I commanded any spirit not sent there by Jesus to leave NOW. I closed any open doors to the enemy’s realm and sealed them with the blood of Jesus.

It felt a little “lighter” in my room, but that “thing” was still there. I didn’t feel threatened – it wasn’t that strong. I was just annoyed and wanted to go back to sleep.

I remembered some “emergency maneuvers” I had learned and implemented them. Finally, the air cleared completely! Whew! Thank goodness for my earlier training in spiritual warfare. I certainly didn’t want to go back to sleep with that spirit next to me in bed. Creepy!

As I was settling down to fall asleep, I thought, “I should share these Emergency Maneuvers on this blog in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation”. If you pray and rebuke and command and everything else you can think of and things aren’t shifting, then try some of these:

  1. Start talking about the Blood of Jesus. The enemy hates the blood of Jesus. Start thanking God for the blood OUT LOUD. Sing songs about the blood of Jesus. Read or quote scriptures about the blood out loud. Focus on it for a while & things will shift.
  2. Pray in tongues. This is always a good strategy – when you don’t know what else to do and you have no direction from the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues can do wonders. An elderly Sunday School teacher once told me, “Ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you the perfect prayer that is needed for the situation and then pray in tongues.” I always keep this one in mind if I ever feel too foggy mentally – sometimes you just can’t even think straight to pray.
  3. Worship and sing. Worship can be in spoken words or in song – it doesn’t matter. Singing songs can be comforting to your heart and mind, reminding you of God’s power and might. But in my experience, it also specifically increases my awareness of the presence of God. In other words, more of God’s presence fills the room, pushing out any other presence that doesn’t belong there.

I put some Vicks on my chest and was able to fall back to sleep, thankfully. That afternoon on my way home from an appointment, I saw a vehicle that made me stop and stare. Ahead of me in traffic was a white boxy sedan with a white casket attached to the top. The casket was decorated with plastic skulls. The back window said in large letters: DEATH. There was a statue attached to the casket that looked right down at you when you pulled up behind the vehicle – it was the spirit of death (a black hooded cape with no face and no hands – like an invisible being). I was shocked! I almost took a photo of it to post here, but then I thought, “That is so creepy – I don’t want to pass this on to anyone who views the photo!” Here’s an example – a black hood and cape. Imagine the arms stretched to either side in a menacing stance. That’s a pretty good depiction of that spirit (kind of like the grim reaper).

Image result for black cape hood blank face

When my husband got home that night I told him about both events to see if he got any insight from the Lord as to why this was happening. He said he got two words “despair” and “suicide”. Since neither one of us felt that, I asked the Lord to show me who was feeling that way. That evening I baked some sweet bread and took a few slices to my neighbor. She answered the door in her robe and said, “Please pray for me – the depression is really bad right now.” I knew she had been suffering with a lot of pain and was counting down the days until she could have a procedure done that might bring relief.

I asked if I could pray for her right then; I took her hand when she said yes. I prayed against the depression, heaviness and any thoughts of despair or suicide. She agreed with me by saying, Amen.

As I walked back home, the Lord reminded me that about 2 weeks ago she had mentioned to me that she was in so much pain, she had considered ending her life. We talked about it and she made jokes about her husband looking good in all black – he happened to be walking behind us dressed in all black. I told her I would pray for her and I had. Later I looked up the condition she had and an article said it was called “the suicide disease” because so many people find the pain so unbearable that it drives them to consider suicide.

Wow, thank God He gave me a warning to be on the look out for this spirit of death. I’ve been checking on her every day since then – her procedure is in 3 days. Would you mind saying a prayer for her that she finds relief from the pain?

Let me know if you have any emergency maneuvers that you use when nothing else seems to work. Comment below – I’d love to hear them!

By the way, you see why I write this blog – you can’t make this stuff up! It’s just too unusual.

Physical Symptoms of Discernment

Sometimes you can experience physical sensations in your body that tell you something is going on in the unseen realm. Has this ever happened to you?

A reader of the blog sent me this question:
“I sometime will feel the sensation of worms or ants crawling under my skin. Sometimes it will be all over my body, other times just on my head or back of shoulders. I know I’m sensing something demonic and it partly has to do with the enemy speaking lies and trying to manipulate. Why do I feel it in different places and what is the Lord trying to tell me?”

Good question! I had never experienced this before so I sent this question to a few friends who are gifted with discernment and have been walking with the Lord for a long time. Three people told me they had experienced it before. Two people said it was related to witchcraft. Witchcraft is a form of manipulation.

Regarding why it is felt in different places – one person replied that the location on the body didn’t make any difference to him. It was just God’s way of getting his attention that something wasn’t right and he needed to pay attention. Another person responded that the different locations are likely tied into the type of witchcraft – perhaps one is atmospheric witchcraft (on the head) whereas the one on the back is a specific person manipulating you.

Very interesting responses – I like that each person had their own experience of this and was able to provide some insight. We see in part and know in part (I Cor 13:9-12). This is why I started this blog – to open the conversation regarding this topic because none of us has it all together!

This question made me start thinking of other physical symptoms of discernment – what I mean is you have a physical sensation in your body and this tells you something spiritual or unseen may be happening. Often you also get a certain kind of “knowing” that it’s not just a physical sensation, especially if it happens suddenly. There are no “rules” that say, “This symptom always correlates to this particular spirit”. I know that makes it hard for those who are just starting out. The key is to never assume. Just ask the Holy Spirit – He will tell you what you need to know. If you don’t get an answer, maybe you don’t need to know. Or sometimes you might be asking the wrong question.

Why aren’t there “rules”? Because spiritual gifts are meant to draw you closer to Jesus. You become more dependent on Him as you seek Him for understanding. If there was a simple chart or book that explained it all, then why would you need to depend on Him? You could just lean on your own understanding – not a good idea, when it comes to spiritual warfare and discerning what it happening in the unseen realm.

That being said, here are some symptoms that people have experienced in relation to specific spiritual influences. This might help you as you ask the Lord what is happening – if nothing else, it might make you feel better that you’re not crazy and you’re not alone. (One of the main reasons this blog exists, by the way!)

Sudden sharp headache – might feel like an ice pick in one side of the head
Ringing in the ears, also means something is shifting in the spirit realm (usually not good)
Sudden Nausea
Painful pressure on the chest


Butterflies or knots in the stomach
Tension on the back of the neck, tingling up the spine

Eyes twitching/burning – May be blocked from seeing in the spirit

Ears irritated/plugged – May be blocked from hearing from the Lord

Feeling of being squeezed – Python/Divination

Pain in the lungs when breathing – Needs filling with the Holy Spirit, related to Python perhaps?
Sharp pain in lower left stomach – Rejection

Heaviness on the shoulders – Carrying a heavy burden that was not meant for them
Sudden drowsiness – Leviathan, a spirit that comes against leaders & their followers

Sometimes when you experience one of these symptoms, the discernment is for YOU. To warn you to pay attention and pray for more clarity. Sometimes you are discerning something for another person. It’s very important that when physical symptoms suddenly come that you ask the Lord to help you figure out whether it is for you or for someone else. Also use some common sense and determine whether your body is responding to something in the natural realm. Don’t ignore physical symptoms. But also be careful not to over-spiritualize them. If they are part of the gift of discernment, then the Lord will give you clarity as to what to do with them. Once you take the action He tells you (pray, decree, bind, loose or whatever), the symptom will disappear. If it doesn’t, it might just be a headache. Rest, drink water and it will go away. 🙂

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