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I’ve Been Slimed! πŸ€’

black van

The other day I was in traffic and I pulled behind a large black van. We were both in the lane to turn left into a busy multi-lane highway. As I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I read the advertising on the van. It appeared to be for a man’s grooming salon and I wondered out loud, “Why do they have such a big van for a man’s salon? Do they offer mobile grooming?”

Suddenly I felt a wave of negative energy come towards me! I was shocked. My eyes were still on the van and I noticed at that exact moment the address on the van – it was from a part of town where witchcraft is common and celebrated. People especially use it to prosper in business.

woman covered in green slime
I’ve been slimed!

I’ve been slimed! I thought. It felt just like what is depicted in the movie Ghostbusters when a negative other worldly being rushes towards its victim. YUK! 🀒

Immediately I prayed out loud, “I come out of agreement with witchcraft. You do NOT have permission to mess with me. Go back! Now!” I felt the energy shift but it was still lingering. So I continued to tell it to leave me alone and it did!

By the time the light changed, it was gone. I kept my eye on that black van because now I knew what it carried in the spirit realm. Initially it pulled into the far left lane and then suddenly the van cut across all 3 lanes and turned right, into a shopping center. Thankfully no other cars were around and since I was keeping my distance from the van, it didn’t affect me. I just watched and shook my head as the driver made a “Miami right” as we say (turning right from the far left lane).

Whew! Thank goodness for very sensitive discernment. In the past, I have not been so aware and I’ve been affected by being randomly “slimed” – it messes with your mind and emotions and yet you don’t know what’s wrong or how to fix it. No fun at all.

I don’t know why it decided to attack me – maybe it didn’t like the tone of my question about the van. I was being a little skeptical, I guess. Maybe it sounded like I was mocking them? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Are you aware of negative energy when it hits you?

As I’ve been walking with Jesus, I am definitely more aware of it. Especially when it specifically targets me. Sometimes I am aware of it just in the air – as a storm moves through the area or when I drive through different parts of town.

On a positive note, I had a good experience with spiritual energy today. I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to a park near my house. I wasn’t sure why. So I asked if I should bring my journal or art supplies – sometimes I write or paint at the park. I sensed that I didn’t need to bring those today.

When I arrived, I felt drawn to walk through a specific section of the park. As I did, I began to feel God’s “good energy” being released from me to bless the ground and the surrounding area with His glory. I can’t really explain it other than to describe how it felt – like positive vibes leaking from my arms and legs as I walked. From an outsider’s perspective, it just looked like a woman walking in the park. But in the spiritual realm, it might have looked more like this.

woman with hands raised releasing good vibes in a field

That was fun! I like to go on random adventures with God. I never know what He has in mind.

Do you have any experience with positive or negative spiritual energy? If so, please comment below. I love to read other people’s experiences – that way we all learn from each other. Some people refer to the negative energy as demons or evil spirits. It definitely could be. I didn’t specifically see demons – it just felt like a wave of energy that was not good. And when I was walking in the park, it simply felt like “good energy”, but I didn’t know if it was love, joy, peace or what – to me it just felt like a blessing of God’s presence and goodness.

It can be hard to learn how to deal with energy because you can’t often see it – or at least, I can’t. Sometimes I can perceive it on other people but not usually visually. But God knows that and He knows what we need to learn to be able to respond to it well. I hope I’m learning more and more each day. And now I’m sharing it with you so you can learn from my experience.

Thanks for reading this far – God bless you! (sending lots of positive vibes your way 😊)

I ain't afraid of no ghost logo

Early Warning Signal – Discernment of the Unseen Realm

Today I had an “aha!” moment. For years I have wondered why I am so susceptible to getting “slimed” by evil, dark forces. For instance, I am having a normal, happy day. I encounter someone who is frazzled and stressed out. Without realizing it, I “pick up” their anxiety and discontent. I walk away feeling terrible.

I thought after years of following Jesus that I would be somewhat immune to this stuff. Not only am I picking up the anxiety the other person feels, but I am also burdened by the spirit of fear that is provoking their anxiety. Or sometimes it might be the spirit of control and manipulation that is pushing their anxiety buttons. Either way, I was innocently going about my day and suddenly I am weighed down by this darkness. It is a very vulnerable way to live.

Except now I understand! πŸ™‚

When I get “slimed” or attacked mentally and emotionally by dark “energies”, my gift of discernment kicks in. Because I’m personally feeling the effects of this particular evil spirit’s assignment, I can identify it pretty quickly. And because it’s affecting ME, I have the authority to dispel its power – at least its power over me and my immediate vicinity. I also tend to release the opposite of whatever it was trying to bring – so if it was fear, I release peace. If it was bringing control and manipulation, I release freedom and liberty.

I just realized that my gift of discernment operates as an Early Warning Signal – kind of like a smoke alarm. When a smoke alarm goes off, it warns you that there’s a problem. It motivates you to take action immediately and put out the fire so that everyone will be safe.

In the same way, when I get “slimed” or affected by someone else’s negative assignment, my discernment kicks into high gear. “There’s something very wrong here!” it shouts. So I go to battle and take out whatever the enemy has engineered to hurt someone. If I was immune to attack, I wouldn’t know when there was trouble. Everyone else might be coughing from the “smoke”, but without an alarm it would take me a much longer to figure out what was wrong.

Wow, thank you Spirit of Truth for revealing this to me. It makes so much sense!

I have often walked into situations where the air felt “heavy”. If it is minor, I don’t respond. But when it is dense and bothering me, I take action. Evil “energies” – some people call them demons, entities, energies, vibes, spirits – it doesn’t matter to me. I just look at the results – is it positive or negative energy? The evil ones take away the joy and peace that should be ours. Life should not be full of stress and fear. So if they are bothering me, I remove them. That restores peace to a room, a home, an area.

I don’t remove them if they are not bothering me and I don’t take on things that are beyond my realm of authority. For instance, if I visit your home and you are anxious, I’m going to feel it. The air will feel “tense”. I will prevent it from bothering me by taking authority over it while I am visiting you, but it is your house. If you want to keep it, it will stay there with you. If you ask for my help, I will teach you how to remove it. But that is your choice. Some people are used to feeling anxious. It’s familiar. They wouldn’t know how to live without it. I’m not saying that is true of all anxious people – just some that I have encountered.

Now I will try being more thankful for this gift – instead of annoyed that everywhere I go, I get hit with stuff. It’s not easy being me. πŸ™‚

How about you? Do you notice how much other people’s vibes affect your mood? Is it possible you are meant to “shift the atmosphere” where you are? Please comment below – I’d be very interested to hear your thought on this subject!