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Light Exploding as Unity Restores the Earth

The Lord showed me a very encouraging vision 2 nights ago. I was with a group of people, waiting on the Lord to see what He would show us.

A circle of hands pointing toward the center where there's a bright light

Someone saw us standing in a circle with our hands outstretched toward the center of the circle. Suddenly there was a bright light in the center and Jesus was there! We felt enveloped by His presence and were awestruck with the weightiness of His glory – it was awesome!! 😍

The Lord showed us that our unity reveals the brightness of His glory. We each have Him inside of us and when we come together in unity, His glory is revealed. This is what creation is waiting for – His manifest glory through our unity as One. Wow.

Then He said, “Stay focused on the Light, there’s more coming.”

Someone sensed a new beginning – that it was time to dance!

I saw this bright burst of light explode into the night sky like a rocket. Then it split off into two and circled the earth.

A burst of light at the top, coming down and circling the globe

Immediately I knew: This light represents the power of restoration for all creation – His glory revealed in our unity. HE is doing this – bringing people into unity all over the world because now is the time. No more playing around – it’s time for Unity on the earth in order to bring Restoration.

I was in AWE. 🀩

And then He made it clear to my mind that it wasn’t just Christian people He was uniting. He was bringing unity to all kinds of people – so that what is inside of them can come together and reveal His glorious power to restore the earth.


God is SO GOOD! I’m excited to hear and see what that looks like.

Already so many good things are happening in the earth and it seems they are accelerating. Every week I hear good news about new breakthroughs that will help solve the problems of the earth. There’s an app you can download that will give you good news like this regularly – I read it to encourage me, especially after I’ve been reading regular news headlines. Here’s what the icon of the app looks like:

Good News app icon

Here’s the links to download it, if you’re interested. I love what they are doing to share good news!

Google Play:

Apple Store:

What are your thoughts? Please share them below. Can you imagine things getting better on the earth as people begin to work together to solve the world’s problems? I completely believe it is possible and now that I know God is already working on it, it makes my heart so happy!! πŸ˜πŸ’—πŸ˜πŸ€—