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Communion – In Remembrance of Him

Communion - a loaf of bread, two cups of red wine with a candle

This week I took communion with some friends as we were praying and seeking the Lord. It was very powerful and we were enjoying the Lord’s tangible presence among us.

The Lord gave us a revelation about His body and blood, the elements of communion. During communion, we take the bread as it represents His body broken for us. But today on the earth, WE are His body, broken for those who are looking for the bread of life. It is our lives poured out (like His blood was poured out) in sacrificial love to care for those around us who need patience or kindness. 

After we said to the Lord, Thank You for Your sacrifice, for Your body that was broken for us. He then said to us, Thank you for being broken for those in the world that need to see My love and My goodness through your compassion and sacrificial love – by being patient with someone or kind when it’s not easy.

This is how we do communion in remembrance of him – by showing the Father’s goodness to others. This demonstrates our union with Him. We serve them the communion that we have received. Isn’t that beautiful? ❤️

For those who want to experience more of the presence of Christ, I encourage you to take communion at home. It’s not just a practice for church settings. In fact, the very first communion was in a home, as the disciples were sitting around the table after a meal.

Do you take communion in places other than at church? If so, please comment below and share your experience with us. 🙂