How to See in the Spirit

Last night I was in a prayer meeting and one of the ladies (JC) asked how she could see in the spirit. Often when we would pray together as a group, someone would say what they saw. This was challenging for her. She did not see things in the spiritual realm and didn’t know how to develop this ability.

Before we started praying, I briefly shared some things with her. This morning I received a message from JC saying,

Thank you for your tips on how to connect my hearing sense with my seeing sense. It was so good for me – I experienced some breakthroughs (she gave examples). Thank you so much, I am blessed! Glory to the Father! Thank Him for letting me move forward little by little.

Here are the things I shared with her – in case they might help you too.

First, what is your strongest sense? Do you see, hear or feel? Most of us perceive the unseen realm of God’s kingdom by one of these senses. I’m primarily a feeler. JC said she is primarily a hearer.

I encouraged her to focus on what is already comfortable for her – hearing. Then when someone else describes what they see, imagine that scene in your mind and see if the Lord will let you hear something that relates to what the other person is seeing. Imagine what you are hearing. This helps to connect the two senses.

Don’t focus on what you can’t do – focus on what you CAN do. Then share it with the group. Even if it seems very small or insignificant. What you focus on will grow. It also validates it for your mind.

Our mind (natural man) often questions what our spirits perceive. Our mind is used to being in charge and interpreting the world around us based on our 5 natural senses, right? So when you start using your spiritual senses, the mind tries to jump in and take charge. It often questions what you are perceiving and tries to convince you that you are wrong or stupid or even crazy. It creates doubt (the opposite of faith).

a photo of a little girl with her hands on either side of her face, looking worried.

When you express what you are sensing in the spirit, it feels like a big risk. You risk being seen as foolish or sounding crazy. But guess what? When you say out loud what you are sensing, it validates it in your mind. It makes it easier to accept, which builds your faith and opens you up to sensing even more! It is honoring the Lord by honoring what He is showing you.

As you do that, your senses get sharper and they begin to work together. As JC practiced last night, by focusing her listening skills, she suddenly got visual pictures! She told me that some of the things she saw seemed impossible. But she told herself to accept it. After she did that, someone else in the group would describe the same thing she was seeing – confirmation! She was ecstatic! That meant she wasn’t crazy or just making things up (which is what the natural mind wants you to think).

Saying out loud what you are sensing brings it from the unseen realm into the seen realm. It brings it from the kingdom realm into the natural realm. It connects the two realms in our natural reality which makes it feel or seem more real. It IS real, but our minds often discount it because it’s from the spirit. This teaches our natural mind how to receive and accept the things from the spirit.

A woman pointing to her head while a light bulb lights up above her head signifying she received insight in her mind.

Here’s another exercise you can do to practice seeing:

  • Look around the room you are in. Then close your eyes and imagine the room. Look around it in your mind’s eye. How much detail can you see? Practice this a few times until you can clearly see as much detail as possible.
  • Ask Holy Spirit to show you where to look in the room. Focus on that area with your eyes still closed. Ask Him to show you something from the unseen realm. Wait and see what He shows you. Then ask Him to explain what you are seeing and He will.

I did this exercise with a friend and she saw an angel in my living room. Sometimes people have told me they see other things with this exercise like a portal or an item like a sword or a tree.

“A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within reach of our inner selves, waiting for us to recognize it. God Himself is here waiting our response to His Presence. This eternal world will come alive to us the moment we begin to reckon upon its reality.” – A. W Tozer, The Pursuit of God

Let me know what tips have helped you to develop your spiritual senses. Comment below so we can all learn from each other. When you do the exercise I described above, please share what you saw. If you see anything dark or scary, ask Jesus, “Where are You in this picture?” Then focus on Jesus and watch what He does. 🙂

More posts that can help you see more clearly in the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom:

About Kingdom Walker

A woman seeking to understand the world around her - with grace and acceptance toward all. Discernment of the Supernatural Realm - Insight and experiences of the Unseen Realm from a Christian perspective. This blog:

Posted on June 4, 2024, in Educational, Holy Spirit, Inspirational, Prayer, Sensing, Spirit, Spiritual realm and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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